Chapter 7: Epilogue

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A month later

It was recess and at that moment three second graders and a little girl were on the hunt for a little bird. The had looked everywhere for their target dragging them out to the corner of the recess area with nothing but a tall tree growing in it.

"Why do we play this game every week?" Ramin asked as he searched as hard as he could.

"Because Dick likes it and we owe him that much!" Hunter scolded reminding his friend of their past mistake.

"I know but he wins every single time and we spend nearly all recess just trying to find him!" Ramin whined.

"Well good things it Friday so you can play how ya want all weekend!" Barbara said snarkily annoyed by the boys whining.

Ramin went silent as he blushed from the sting of the girls' comeback.

"Hehehe you just got burned by a kindergartener!" Cash snickered quietly.

"Shut up!" Ramin shouted embarrassed.

"Hu Alright! Oly oly oxen free!" Hunter called out tired of looking.

They all then heard a mischievous giggle above them and looked up only to see Dick in the tree branches above them.

"Catch me!" Dick squealed as he jumped from the tree.

Heart pounding Hunter ran to catch the little boy, being the tallest and strongest in their little group. However much to his relief he caught the boy easily and carefully in his arms.

"Huh, do you always hide so well and do dangerous stunts?!" Hunter asked as he held his friend tightly.

"Hehe no but I likes ta!" Dick giggled mischievously.

The rest of the group also joined in, knowing Dick meant no harm, as Hunter put the second smallest of the group down. It was then the bell went off signaling it was time to go back to class.

"And like always finding Dick takes all of our recess!" Ramin gripped.

"I'm sorry." Dick said as he looked down with a sad face.

Immediately feeling guilty Ramin drew Dick into a nice hug to comfort his young friend.

"Hey hey no need to be sad, I'm just whining, you didn't do anything wrong. Now let's get you two back to class." Ramin said with a sympathetic smile as he took Dick's tiny hand into his small one to walk him to class.

Hunter followed suit and took Barbara's hand in his, while Cash got in the middle taking both kindergarteners hands. Together the five walked back to class, a now daily tradition for the five elementary schoolers, until they got to the kindergarten hallway where the older three dropped off Dick and Barbara. Though previously enemies and bullies, the five became the best of friends through the power of forgiveness and kindness. Every recess they played together and laughed together despite their age gap and previous animosity.

However this new friendship also created a new overprotective bond for Hunter, Cash, and Ramin towards Dick and Barbara. For though forgiven the three felt great guilt for their past actions and wanted to make up for the harm they caused. So diligently the three watched over their little friends, making sure they were safe and happy at all times.

"Ramin I'm thirsty!" Dick said wanting to got to the water fountain.

"Ok we'll go... oh wait I left my Pokémon cards by the tree!" Ramin remembered, the group having played the game earlier.

"We'll go back and check!" Cash said as went to turn.

"But who's gonna go with Dick to the water fountain?" Hunter asked not liking to leave Dick alone during recess.

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