Chapter 6: Forgiveness

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Bruce, after much force on Alfred's part, went on patrol, having spent three hours straight by his son's side. It wasn't easy as the lack of his protege only reminded him of his son's condition. But now, having finished early, he sat in his large arm chair, a cup of tea in his hand, and stewed over that day's events. Thousands of questions went through Bruce's head such as: who was responsible for his son's injuries, why did his son not tell him, would his son tell him, and many more.

However as he sat and stewed his ears picked up the sound of the door creaking. Bruce turned his head only to be shocked as he saw his poor little baby standing there in the doorway, his head still wrapped up, in his red onesie, and his Ollie wrapped in his arms. He also had his hand resting on the door for support as he unsteadily stood.

"Dick! Baby what are you doing up? Come here, come to daddy!" Bruce called out anxiously as he extended his arms, worried his son might stumble and hurt himself more.

With that Dick did his best to run to his daddy, though he nearly collapsed on his way, just barely landing in his arms. Immediately Dick was then cradled in his daddy's arms and the little boy nuzzled himself into his warm chest.

"Baby how did you get here? You know you shouldn't be moving on your own let alone going down the stairs. You could have gotten very hurt and you need your rest." Bruce said anxiously as he held his baby boy close to him.

"I had Alfred help mes." Dick said ever so quietly as he held onto his father's shirt for dear life, his head hurting something awful.

For a minute there was just silence as Bruce simply comforted his very hurt little baby. He gently rocked him and held him as tight as possible, letting his little one rest. However then Bruce felt it was time for a few questions that he needed to know the answer to.

"Dick I have a few questions for you and I need you to answer them honestly. Do you think you can do that for daddy?" Bruce pleaded as he looked directly in his son's eyes .

Dick simply nodded feeling it was time he told his daddy the truth about what was going on.

"Huh, Dick who did this to you, who are these bullies?"

Dick was quiet for a moment until he at last opened his mouth.

"Some 2nd graders named Ramin, Cash, and Hunter." Dick said, his voice full of pain and tears starting to spill.

"Shhh shhh no one can hurt you, there's no need to cry, daddy's right here to protect you." Bruce comforted before asking more questions to his traumatized son.

It took a moment for Dick to calm down but eventually he did and looked to his daddy to almost say he was ready for the next question.

"How long has this gone on little bird?" Bruce asked nervous to hear how long he went without realizing his son was hurting.

"A few days." Dick said timidly ashamed he never told his daddy.

Bruce's heart broke then and there as he learned his son had been suffering for so long and he didn't see it.

"Baby why did you never tell daddy?" Bruce asked, wanting to know that most of all.

"Cause daddy yous so busy an I didn't wanna stop you from doin importan stuff." Dick said honestly with no trace of animosity or anger whatsoever.

With one sentence Dick turned Bruce's already broken heart to dust, too busy too busy. Had he really made his son feel that way that he was too busy to take care of him. It was at that moment Bruce put his hands ever so gently under Dick's armpits and held his son out before him, looking him dead in the eyes.

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