Lil' Buddy

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- I looked under the bed, and I saw... A puppy!! It came out from under the bed, right into my arms. I automaticly started petting it. So adorable! It had light golden fur, and the fur was so soft!!! I was just there, sitting on the floor, hugging the lil' buddy. Not much after, the door opened. Some teenage boy came in. He had brown hair, flipped to the right. He was also wearing a gray hoodie and ripped jeans. I could easily see he wanted to tell me something, but he just opened his mouth. We were akwardly staring at eachother. After a while, he said "I-ehm- I was searching for my cat. I-I MEAN DOG, A DOG! A gray dog. I MEAN GOLDEN.".
Once again, there was a moment of akward silence.
Then he said more understandable "My puppy got away. It has golden fur. Did you by any chance see it anywhere?".
"Uh- You mean this buddy?" I said, and showed him the dog.
"Oh yes, thanks".
He took a few steps to me, and sit next to me, petting the dog. Now we were sitting next to eachother, with the dog between us.
"Soo.. What's his name?" I asked. "You mean the pup?" he said back.
"It's a she/her. And she doesn't have a name yet. She's pretty young." the boy explained.
"Oh" I said, and then continued;
"Are you her owner?"
"Well, actually, I'm searching for a new owner. When I was like six years old, I got a puppy on my birthday. I named her Ella. About two months ago she gave birth to this lil' pup, but the thing is, that I can't take care of them both. So I'm taking care of her until I find a new owner. I don't want to put her in a shelter yet." he answers.
Again, there was a moment of silence, and then I finally decided;
"I can take care of it!".
"Wait, really?" he responded.
"Yeah! How much is it?" I asked.
"Oh, it's for free" he said.
"Awesome! Love ya!"
"What?" he said confused and blushed. I blushed back and said;
"I-I mean thank you!"
"Your welcome" he then said.

He put the puppy in my arms. I hugged the small guy, and started petting him. Soon, I asked the boy "So.. What's your name?".
"Oh, right! I'm Mason. Mason Houston." he said.
Houston? Is he related to Mr. Houston, the policeman?
Wait... Mason... Houston....
It can't be.. Right.. ?

.....NOW I REMEMBER.....

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