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What makes a person evil? Why is someone deemed evil for only one mistake? Why does a person commit crimes and sins? What is the difference between wrong or right? Will we ever know?

Everyone has different opinions in the matter and one might believe themselves to be right and know what is true and what is not. Yet, I keep wondering how they know what is right?

Stealing might be wrong but two people might disagree on that. What if a dying woman stole an apple to give to her toddler who she will soon be taken from, left to fend for themselves?

Is it wrong to care for their child and wish them the best? Is it wrong to eat? Is it wrong to be dying and only want those around them to live?

What if a man stole what rightfully belong to him but was stolen? Why would it be wrong to take back the thing that belongs to you? Is it wrong to want what you owned back?

I can't answer those questions but I know that both of these people are going to jail for stealing as the law only sees one side, the side where stealing is deemed a crime. What they don't see is the reason behind it.

You could ask a murderer why he killed the people he killed and he would most likely threaten you and not tell you. Perhaps because no matter what he says you've already deemed him guilty and don't care for the reason.

People like him don't get the change to truly tell their story for their "crimes" are all that people see. What if he killed an already dying man that begged him to end his suffering?

The law would see him as guilty of murder no matter how much he says that he only filled a dying man's wish. Is it wrong to care for people and don't want them to suffer?

What is the difference between right or wrong?

No one can truly tell what is right and what is wrong. That is why, when I met the most wanted criminal in the world that I did not ask him why he did it or why he did not, I did not even ask him how he did it, nor do I want to know.

I did not want to know what he had done nor did I want to know what he would do if he got out of jail. All I saw was a person in need, a man that I could help.

And all I would have to do is put aside the poisoning of right and wrong out of my brain as it has been fed to all of us from birth.

As soon as that is done, you start to see another sight that you were too blind to see before but now it is as clear as the day and night in the sky.

There is always a reason for everything that we do, every action that we do has a reason behind it and the only way to understand why a person does something is to know the person and know the reasons behind the actions that they take.

Even if I have to be in the same room as the most wanted criminal in the world and study him but also get to know him and perhaps know the answers to the questions that I can't seem to figure out no matter how much I think about them.

The riddle that no one has ever been able to crack has a name that people fear but soon I will be the one trying to figure out how to solve this riddle, though I never could've known that my life was about to change forever, all because of...


What makes a person good? Why is someone deemed good for one heroic action? Why does a person commit selfless acts? What is the difference between right or wrong? Will we ever know?

Everyone has different opinions in the matter and one might believe themselves to be right and know what is true and what is not. Yet, I keep wondering how they know what is right?

Saving a persons life might be right but two people might disagree on that. What if a person tries to take their own life for they have no will to live, but are saved and be put into a hospital?

Is it right that someone doesn't want to live? Is it right to take their own life? Is it right to be dying on the inside and only want a way out?

What if a man stole what rightfully belongs to him but was stolen? Would it be right to take back the thing that belongs to you? Is it right to want what you owned back?

I can't answer those questions but I know that both of those people are going to be locked up, as the law only sees one side, the side where they are in the wrong. What they don't see is the reason behind it.

You could ask a murderer why he killed the people he killed and he would most likely threaten you and not tell you. Perhaps because no matter what he says you've already deemed him guilty and don't care for the reason.

People like him don't get the change to truly tell their story for their "crimes" are all that people see. What if he killed an already dying man that begged him to end his suffering?

The law would see him as guilty of murder no matter how much he says that he only filled a dying man's wish. Is it wrong to care for people and don't want them to suffer?

What is the difference between right or wrong?

No one can truly tell what is right and what is wrong. That is why, when I met the most oddest therapist in the world that I did not ask her why she did it that way or why she did not do that way, I did not even ask her how she was doing it, nor did I want to know.

I did not want to how what she was doing nor did I want to know what she would do with her life outside of the prison. All I saw was an easy target, a woman that I could use.

And all I would have to do is put aside the poisoning of right and wrong out of my brain as it has been fed to all of us from birth.

As soon as that is done, you start to see another sight that you were too blind to see before but now it is as clear as the day and night in the sky.

There is always a reason for everything that we do, every action that we do has a reason behind it and the only way to understand why a person does something is to know the person and know the reasons behind the actions that they take.

Even if I have to be in the same room as the best but oddest therapist in the world and study her but also get to know her and perhaps know the answers to the questions that I can't seem to figure out no matter how much I think about them.

The riddle that no one has ever been able to crack has a name that is so sweet but soon I will be the one trying to figure out how to solve this riddle, though I never could've known that my life has changed forever, all because of...



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