Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
|Bloody murder scene|


The bullet that was shot at him had grazed his heart. Damaging this vital organ that keeps him alive. In order to keep him alive the doctors had to be forced to put him into a medical induced coma. Fighting for his life, and the woman that he loves. The love that he feels for that woman is the only reason for why he still continues to fight death to stay alive and be with the said woman. But, for Silas that love might not be strong enough to save his life, death is fighting to take him away from the world.

There is a thin line between life and death. One action, one choice, one second can land someone over that line. Hanging on that line is the struggle that land mostly where death takes them away from the ones that they love. When on that line there are times that life is able to win and defeat death, at least for the time being. Death always wins in the end. It eventually takes away everything that it can. The force of death is strong, and it continues to pull on Silas' soul.

Deep inside his mind the image of Leanna, her laughter and her beauty which is both inside and outside of her. It is what keeps him hoping and waiting for himself to wake up and be with her. Leanna has always kept him stable. From the moment that they met each other, he wanted nothing more than to have her as his. He made certain that she was protected, even if she were in a mental facility. Getting her out was his top priority, as well as making those that harmed her suffer in a very slow and painful way.

At that time Silas did not love her as he does now. He did not care for her. And yet he wanted nothing more than to be with her every second of every day. Without her, he felt this longing to be near her again. The girl intrigued him in ways that nothing has ever done before in his life. His body craved her but not just her body but her in general. The way that she was different from the rest made him even more interested in her. Leanna was the source of his interest in him and the source of his obsession with her.

The obsession which he has of her is not the only reason why he wants her to be near him. The love that Silas feels for  Leanna is strong, and it is true. The two of them belong to each other and will forever love each other. However, that love might not be strong enough to save his life. That line that Silas has found himself of is far too thin, and he is slowly going over and falling to the side where he does not wish to end up nor be for he wants to be on the other side, the side that leaves him alive and with the woman that he loves.

There is only one person on this planet that is praying for his life and that person is in chains and is far away from him and yet so close to him at the same time. Their spirits call to one another. The heart monitors shows his heartbeat and is monitoring his heartbeat, however unknown to anyone else his heartbeat matches the heartbeat of the woman that is praying for him. Their hearts do beat as one, always have been. They are one with each other.

Leanna Russell

For the night Leanna was taken into another room, her old bedroom. The same one that she grew up in before she moved somewhere else. "Sweetie, how do you feel?" Her mother asks her as she is being put into the room. For the first time the chains are removed from her. The room does not carry anything that the girl could use as a weapon. Sitting down on her bed she shakes her head. "Not well. My wrists hurt and my head hurts and my stomach and my heart" Leanna answers truthfully.

Her mother sighs as she sits down. "It will be all right. When you wake up in the morning we are going to do something fun" Her mother tells her. Not even acknowledging what Leanna had said about how she was in pain. The pain may not be physical but that does not mean that it is not there for it is a pain that is even worse than any physical pain. The girl does not look at her mother as she does not even think of the woman as her mother any longer, that title belongs to the woman that saved her life.

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