Chapter 1

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„Mommy please I don't wanna stay here. Please I won't do it again. Please I promise.",the young girl cried while holding onto her Moms arm. „I am sorry Bean but I can't watch you giving yourself up. I can't do this anymore.",her mom cried and removed her daughters hands from her arm while the nurses hold her back. „No mommy please." Her mom left the room with an heavy heart and the Nurses brought her to an Room she had to stay in. She cried hardly and had an full on panic attack. „Calm down Blake its gonna be fine. We are just helping you. You are safe here.",one of the nurses said while an other one pocked her with an Needle and injected an sedative which made her slowly lose her consciousness. When she woke up again a different Nurse was sitting at her bed. She looks at her confused while slowly sitting up. „Slowly.. How do you feel?",the nurse asked her and helps her sit up. „I want to go home.",Blake whispers and looks at her. „I know but you have to stay here for a while. Now lets get up and brush your teeth. Breakfast is ready and after that there will be a morning round where you can meet the other Patients." „I don't wanna eat." „I know but you have to. Now get up put on some fresh clothes and brush your teeth." The Nurse helps her out of bed and brought her into the bathroom. While she was brushing her teeth the nurse put out some clothes for her and waited until she was finished to bring her into the dinning room. „You are gonna sit on the Table with Wooyoung Susi and Felix right there.",the nurse said and points at a Table next to the window where 3 Teenagers where sitting. Blake nods and went to the Table to sit on the free chair next to one of the Boys. „Well hello a new face.",the boy said and looks at her. „Hey I am Blake.",she said and looks at the three. „Hi i am Susi!",the Girl said very enthusiastic. „I am wooyoung.",the boy next to Blake said.. „I am Felix. Nice to meet you.",he said. Blake was a bit surprised by his voice because it was a really deep voice. „So why are you here? What did you do? I mean the bandage on your arms are kinda telling the story.",Wooyoung asked her and had a grin on his lips. „Well I had an bad argument with the Boyfriend of my mom and yeah I got a bit overwhelmed. And what about you?" „Well I had a manic episode and tried to choke my best friend.",he said and chuckles. „Oh wow." „Wooyoung don't scare her already.",Felix said. „He is actually really nice don't worry.",Susi said and smiled. „Oh he seems okay.",Blake said. Wooyoung chuckles and looks at her. „So how those this work here?" „Well you have to eat. If you don't eat the let you sit in her until you eat. We are also not allowed to talk about our Problems alone without a Supervisor. Oh and if you make any Jokes about self harm or suicide they are making an Crisis talk with you. Wooyoung basically has one everyday.",Felix explain. „I bet I can top you.",Blake said to Wooyoung. „Bet.",he said and took her hand to make an handshake. „Now lets get some amazing breakfast.",Felix said in a sarcastic tone and the four Teenagers went to get their food. Blake grabbed just an Yogurt and wanted to go back to their Table but Wooyoung grabbed her arm. "Take a toast or else they will force you to eat more.",he whispers and looks at her. "But I dont want more.",she said and looks back at him. "I will eat it for you. Just take the toast and some Butter. Trust me." She nods slightly and to the Toast with butter before following Wooyoung back to the Table. "Just put the Butter on the Toast and then give it to me.",he said while spreading some Nutella on his Toast. "Thank you.",she said and spread the Butter on the Toast. "You owe me something." "You shouldn't do that Wooyoung. Remember what happened with Lucy. She nearly died because she starved herself.",Susi whispers. "I am not starving myself. I just hate eating breakfast. It makes me Sick.",Blake defended herself while glaring at the Younger Girl. Susi looks down and continues eating her food while Blake and Wooyoung switched their Plates. Blake ate her Yogurt while Wooyoung ate her Toast which made her relax a little. "Blake can you come with us? Dr. Carter wants to see you.",a nurse called her. "Oh good luck with him.",Felix said and looks at her. "Is he bad?",Blake asked while standing up. "He is scary.",Susi said. Blake looks at them concerned and then followed the Nurse. "What does he wants?",Blake asked the Nurse. "He wants to talk about why you are here and how we could help you.",the Nurse said and leads her to the Office of Dr. Carter where she opens the door to let her in. "Blake right? Nice to meet you I am Dr. Maximilian Carter. Take a seat. How do you feel?",he immediately asked her while she sat down in the chair in front of his desk. "I don't wanna be here",She said while looking at him without any emotions. "Well I do understand that but your Parents decided that you have to stay here due to your several Suicide Attempts and your Self harming actions. They also told me you have problems controlling your Emotions. Your Father also said you are very Violent towards him and your Sister." "He is not my dad and thats not true! I was violent towards them. All I did was trying to protect myself from him. He always tells me that everyone would be better without me. They are the Problem not me!" He looks at her and then wrote something down. "what about your eating habits. Your Mom said you are barley eating anything.",he said while writing. "I am eating normally. There is no Problem." "You lost 15 Kg in a short time. That is not really Healthy Blake." "Can I go? I don't wanna talk anymore." "Yes but you should go to the Morning round know to get to know the Patients." "Fuck off.",she mumbles before leaving the room. The Nurse Immediately followed her and brought her to the Community room where all the other Patients where sitting in a Circle. "The seat next to Wooyoung is free.",the Nurse said and lays her hand on Blakes back. "Don't touch me!",Blake said while quickly walking to the free seat. "Are you okay?",Wooyoung whispers and looks at her. "No I am not.",she whispers and holds back her tears. "So now everyone we have a new Patient. Blake may you introduce yourself?",a male Nurse asked her. "I don't want too.",Blake said while looking at her feet. "Everyone has to introduce themselves so Please." "She said she don't want to so fuck off Luis.",Wooyoung said. "Wooyoung do wanna go back to your room?",the female nurse asked him. "Heck yes but leave her alone she is clearly uncomfortable. Aren't you trained for something like this? Oh right you aren't even real nurses. I forgot." "Enough Wooyoung.",Dr. Carter said who just entered the room. Wooyoung Immediately lowered his eyes and crossed his arms. "Good. Now Blake please introduce yourself.",Dr. Carter said while sitting down. "This is fucking stupid. I am Blake. 17 Years old and this place Sucks.",Blake said. The Morning round was completely torture for her and she was glad when it was finally over. "Do you smoke?"Wooyoung asked her while leaving the Community room. "Yeah. We are allowed to smoke here?" "Sure. Come I show you the Garden." Wooyoung went with her into the Garden which where completely locked up which didn't surprised her. "Here.",Wooyoung said and gave her an Cigarette. She took it and he light her up for her. "Thank you.",she said and smiled. He light up his own and looks at her. "Thank you for helping me in there.",she then said. "Now you owe me something one more.",he said and chuckles. She laughs and tilled her head slightly. "You seem like a Nice Guy." "Oh don't foul yourself. Normally I would test all your triggers." "And why don't you do it?" "I don't know." Felix came to them with Susi and looks at them. "Are you okay?",Susi asked Blake and looks at her. "Yeah I am okay. I just hate talking in front People.",Blake said while putting the Cigarette into the Trash. "I hate it too. Its bullshit. I hate this Place but my Parents won't let me out of here.",Felix said and kicks a stone away. "Why are you here?",Blake asked him. "Depression and Burn out. My mom is scared when she takes me home I would kill myself but I don't wanna die. They just don't believe me. No one does." "I believe you Lix.",Susi said while looking at him. "What about you Susi. you seem like you are the Youngest here." "Yeah I am..but I don't wanna talk about it." "Hey thats fine you don't need to talk about things you are uncomfortable with." Blake smiled at the Younger one which made Susi relax again. "So and what are we doing here the whole day?",Blake then asked them and  sat down on a Bench. "Not much.. It's basically just a Place where they just make sure we don't hurt ourselves. But even in that they suck.",Wooyoung said and chuckles. "It seems like this here is just a joke to you."Blake noticed and looks up to him. "It's not my first time here. They really think they can fix me but all they do is causing more Problems but who cares. It's my word against theirs. So I am just causing them Problems." "I like causing Problems." "Good. Because you owe me." 

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