Chapter 2

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The next days where nothing special for them. Then Wooyoung decided it would be time to cause a bit trouble and he decided to start a fight with an other Male Patients. All the other Patients circle around them in the Dinning room and watched them fight. Blake was surprised how strong Wooyoung was because the Guy he was fighting was way bigger than him. Wooyoung was holding him in a chokehold and pressed him to the ground. "Enough! Wooyoung let go off him!",Luis the male nurse yelled and tries to get to the fighting boys but before he could reach them Blake made him trip with her foot so he fell to the ground. Wooyoung looks over to Blake and smirked. "You tripped him!",Gina, a other patient, said and looks at Blake. "What do you wanna do about it Gina? Cry? Throw a tantrum?",Blake asked her and looked down on her. "You are such a bitch." "I am a Bitch? Didn't you suck the Nurses dicks?" Gina tried to punch her but Blake just grabs her arm and turned it on Ginas back which made her scream. More nurses came to get everyone calm down and Blake got pulled away from Gina. Luis pushed Blake on a chair next to Wooyoung while the other Patients got send out. Blake looks at Wooyoung and he smirked at her. "You are surprisingly strong.",she said while crossing her arms. "I am full of surprises. But hey thank you for making Luis trip." "No Problem. What do you think they gonna do now?" Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders and looks over to the Nurses who where talking with each other. "You two will have to clean the Kitchen after every meal.",a young nurse then said to them which made them laugh. The young nurse looks at them surprised. "Why are thy laughing?",she asked the other ones insecure. "Was that all? I am tired.",Blake said and looks at her. She nods slightly and Blake and wooyoung left the Dinning room to go outside to smoke. "They really think its a punishment to make us clean the kitchen.",Wooyoung chuckles while giving her an Cigarette. "Yeah Pathetic.. Does it hurt?",she asked him and carefully pushed Wooyoungs hair away from his forehead to look at the Bruise close to his Eye. "No. I had badder bruises than this. This is nothing. Trust me." She nods slightly while smoking. "Can I see your scars?",he suddenly asked her. "Hm? Why?" "I wanna see them. Only if you are okay with it." She pulls up the sleeves of her hoodie and showed him her Arms. His left hand went around her wrist and he looks at the scars. "You know cutting that way is not very affective when you try to Kill yourself.",he said while looking at the freshest Scar. "I didn't tried to Kill myself. Was just overwhelmed with feelings and didn't know how to stop them. My mom came in and saw it. She screamed at me for being so stupid and how I could do this to her. Her boyfriend told her to bring me here. I hate him its all his fault." Wooyoung let go off her arm while looking at her. "You should not hurt yourself.",he then said. "But it's the only thing that is stopping these crazy Emotions. It's the only thing that helps." "Do you have friends you could call in Situations like that?" "I don't really have friends." She pulls down her sleeves and then crossed her arms. "Call me then. I am your friend now. When you feel like everything is getting to much call me. I mean when's happening here come to me. Even in the nights. The Nurses are never in the ward through the whole night and I don't have a roommate." "Thank you Wooyoung. You can come to me too if you need someone." "Thats what friends do. Helping each other." He smiled at her while lighting up another Cigarette. She took one too and leans against the wall. "I wish I could just move out of my Moms House. Just far away from him.",she whispers and sights. "I did that right when I had turned 18. I just packed my stuff and moved in with my friends. The best decision I could have made." "I really envy you Woo." "Woo? You already giving me a Nickname?" He chuckles and leans his head back. "Yeah of course. Thats what friends also do." She poked his waist which made him laugh a little. "Well then I have to think of an Nickname for you.",he said while looking at her. She looks at him and inhale the smoke  of her Cigarette. "I think I will call you Bee."  She giggles and put the cigarette into the trash. "Do you have your Phone with you?" She nods. "Give it to me.",he said and she gave him her Phone. He puts his number into her Contacts and then called himself to get her number. "So you can actually call me." She smiles and they went back into the Building. "Lets see if the Tv room is free.",he said and went there with her. Only Felix and Suis where sitting there Watching some Tv show. "Mind if we join you two?",Wooyoung asked while sitting down next to Felix. "No no it's fine.",Susi said and looks at Blake who sat down next to her. "Did you guys got into big trouble?",she asked Blake. "No not really. Our Punishment is cleaning the Kitchen after the Meals. Like what kind of Wack Punishment.",Blake said and looks at Susi. "They are really stupid here.",Felix said. "Is it really true that Gina gave Luis a blowjob?",Felix then asked and looks over to Blake. "Yes. I saw it and oh my god he is not only acting like a Guy with a small dick. He also has a small dick." Wooyoung starts laughing while Felix looks at her with an disgusted Expression. It took wooyoung some time until he stopped laughing which made Blake smile a little. She liked his laugh because it sounded so joyful and reminds her of pure Happiness. Wooyoung looks over to her and winked at her which made her blush a little. "Susi there is a Phonecall for you.",a Nurse said and Susi left the room. "And did you made a Move?",Wooyoung asked Felix when Susi was gone. "I can't. What if she don't like me back?",Felix said and looks down. "Are you dumb? She clearly likes you. Come on don't be shy",Wooyoung said and gave Felix an hit on the back. "Okay when she comes back I will asked her." Blake chuckles and looks over to the TV. After a while Susi came back but she was crying and her hands where shaking. "Whats wrong?",Blake asked her and quickly went to her to lay her arm around her Shoulders. "M-My Mom called me a-and told me that m-my Grandpa died.",Susi cried and turned to Blake to wrap her arms around her waist. The Two Boys looked at them concerned and Blake gently strokes Susis Hair while looking at Wooyoung. "I am so sorry.",Blake whispers. Susi cried harder and was holding onto Blake. Blake sat down with her and kept stroking her Hair. "It's okay.." "I wanna die. Please I wanna die.",she cried harder and Blake could feel that her shakes got harder to. "No no no. DOn't say that. It will be alright. I know it hurts but it will be alright.",Blake whispers and gently pressed her head against her chest. Wooyoung watched Blake calming down the young girl and in this Moment he knew he wants to protect her from everything bad in her live. Even from herself. Susi slowly calms down but was still whimpering and holding onto Blake. Felix eyes where fixed on Susi and he didn't know what he could do. Blake noticed how Felix was starring. "Felix can you get her some water?",Blake asked him while stroking Susis Back. Felix nods slowly and went up to get some water. "thank you Blake.",Susi whispers and looks at her. "Not for that. You are not alone and if you need someone to just hold you, you can always come to me.",Blake said and gently swipes the Tears away from Susis Face which made her smile a little. Felix came back with the water and gave it to Susi while sitting down next to them. "Thank you Lix.",Susi said before drinking the water. "C-can I give you a hug?",Felix asked. Susi nods slightly and Felix hugged her tightly which Susi returned. Blake slowly noticed that the Emotions overcoming her and went up. "I will be right back.";Blake said with a shaking Voice before quickly leaving the room. The Situation with Susi reminded her of her biological Sister who left her alone a Year ago. Wooyoung quickly went after her and followed her into the Garden. He noticed that she was scratching the fresh scar so he took her Hands and gently squeezed them. She looks at him and he could see tears in her eyes. "I Don't wanna cry.",she whispers and fights the Tears. "My friends said I laugh like Elmo.",he said, trying to distracted her. She looks at him a bit confused but his plane seemed to work. "And I can touch my Nose with my tongue.",he continues and showed her it which made her laugh a little. "Can you touch your nose with your Tongue.",he asked her while wiggling with his Eyebrows slightly. "I.. I don't think so.",she said. "Try it." She tried it but failed which made Wooyoung laugh a little. "Don't be mean.",she said but had to laugh too. He smiled while looking at her and his thumbs where caressing the back of her hand. "Thank you.",she then said. "I told you. I'll be there when you feel like everything is to much.",he said and winks. She laughs again while shaking her head a little. "You did amazing with her.",Wooyoung then said now being a bit more Serious. "She needed someone. Losing someone you love is Horrible..",she said. he nods slightly while looking at her. "I think we should go back inside. Dinner is ready.",she said and they went into the Dinning room. They sat down at their Table and waited until they could get their food. "I am not hungry.",she whispers to Wooyoung and looks at him. "Get yourself an Yogurt and some bread.. I will eat your bread.",he whispers back. She nods and they then got their Food. Wooyoung took her bread again while she just ate the Yogurt. Susi and Felix joined them a bit later when they where nearly finished with their food. "Are you feeling better?",Blake asked Susi and smiled at her. "Yes a bit. Thank you.",Susi said and looks at her. Blake smiled back and she an Wooyoung then waited to start clean the kitchen.

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