Ending Intermisson

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Here have old bad art of Avery


Izuku:Heyy do you feel, bad and somehow guilty with how not only Mina but Iida and Mineta are acting?

Katsuki: Eh? Why the fuck would I feel Guilty for???

Izuku: I don't know, I mean I know Mina had some sort of weird cult thing going, and I feel bad for disappointing her but everytime I pass any of them I legit feel a wave of dissapointment radiating if them.


Izuku: Katsuki?


Izuku:..are you even listening to me right now??

Katsuki: nope, watching an old lady do the wap dance on youtube is way more entertaining than listening to you tell me about poeple silently bitching about something that isn't even their business!

Izuku:I-..oh hey Katsuki?

Katsuki: not my damn problem that they're so fucking invested in our non-existant sex life

Izuku: aw... non-existant?-I mean were gonna be 18 soon.. but Katsuki-

Katsuki:I dont give a fuck if they're sad they can all go fuck them selves!



Izuku: you got chilli on your shirt



Toru:Mina, Mina, Mina, Mina

Kami:Mina, Mina, Mina, Mina

Both of them:Mina Mina Mina Mina

Mina: Oh my Fucking God WHat!

Both:You lost

Mina:You have 5 seconds, 1..2.3..5!



Katsuki: Hey Nerd..

Izuku:??..yes Kacchan?

Katsuki: h-how do I look?

Izuku:Wait kacchan you didn't have to we're not 18 yet I-

Kacchan get out of the Luigi costume.


Mina:Winter breaks coming up..everyones going home for second year..How can we get back the bet money??

Iida:hmm you may have to just try next year Mina.. there's no time..and we have been...immature to say the least

I think we should give the  a break from our investigation and continue next year

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