They're Dating?

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Bakugou's Pov
Me and Deku Just started dating
I honestly didn't want to tell anyone already knowing what would come from it but Deku seemed pretty Excited to tell everyone so here we are standing in front of the commons room

Bakugou:Yes Raccoon Eyes..
Mina:And your just telling me!
"Awww that's so cute!". Mina and Tiru then exclaimed
Momo:That's fantastic!
Tsuyu:Were happy for you two
"So who bottoms?-".Kami Wore a shot eating grin Which was eventually knocked of his face by Jirou

Jirou:Kaminari! You can just ask questions like that And even if they did answer it would obviously be Midoriya
Midoriya:Oh um actually-
Uraraka:Of Course Everyone knows Deku's too cute to top!
Midoriya:Well you see-
Toru then Gasped
Tori:Well yeah I mean Midoriya topping?
Kami:True I mean have you met Bakugou he doesn't have a submissive bone on his body
Kirishima:well except with his mom but everyone knows it I dnt very manly to be mean to your parents when they love you-
Midoriya:Guys we haven't!-
Iida:This Conversation is extremely inappropriate for our age And there is no reason for Midoriya and Bakugou to be engaging in such adult activities aim dissapointed in all of you!

Uraraka:Awww we made Iida mad
Bakugou:No shit Dumbasses we didn't do that shit! We just fucking started dating!
Bakugou then stormed off
Deku soon following behind him
Mina:20 dollars Bakugous the bottom-

In Kacchans Dorm room-

Katsuki stormed into his form room pissed. He could here the sound of Deku's voice in the distance.
Kacchan wait up!Midoriya said after running further towards Bakugou
Bakugou turned toward Deku pissed
Deku:Kacchan calm down
Bakugou:Calm down? Those Dumbasses Are stupid they didn't even let you talk!
Deku:Kacchan it's fine and besides It doesn't really matter Iida Stopped them before they could come up with weird Conspiracies
Bakugou walked up to Midoriya holding on to him. Not letting go
C'mon it's 8:45 let's get you to bed
Midoriya has trouble getting Bakugou I'd before picking out some of Kacchan clothes from his closet
Katsuki picked up the clothes
and went into the bathroom coming back in an Oversized Mint Green Sweater And Light Orange mid thigh high socks a sleepy expression overtaking his earlier angry expression in his face

Katsuki walked over as he almost fell from how much his sleep was getting to him
Deku: ok Let's get you to bed-
Deku had Katsuki Lean on him being much stronger than the blonde he picked him up

Deku laid Kacchan on his bed, Deku was about to get up when He felt that he couldn't get up and a quiet "don't leave," came from the tired blonde Deku looked back to the blonde. To see that he had latched onto his arm from when he was leaning on his and was recurring to detatch

Deku's eyes lite up as he slowly got back into the bed With Kacchan
Deku:You know I haven't changed yet I'm gonna be kinda stinkybin the morning?
Deku: and your not gonna let me change for that?
Kacchan:Mm mmm
Deku then laughed at the blonde's Antics
Deku:Ok have it your way Kacchan
Dek u laid back down into the bed feelingKacchan snuggle up to him as they both drifted to sleep


hA you thought a little bonus-

In the common room
Kami:You can't be serious...
Mina:My shipping senses don't lie you know
Kami:B-but How?!?!?!
Mina:You questioning me mortal?
Kami:I- whatever.
C'mon Todo let's go to bed
Kiri:Yeah I need to check up on Shinsou I haven talked to him all day!
Mina:So is it a bet or?
Toru:Eh sure why not yeah all of us here(the class except Iida and Koda and Dekubaku). Except you Know Midoriya's a bottom so get you 20 dollars ready because you'll need alot
Mina: Pfft oh I'll a lot of 20 dollars after you all choke them up to me!
Toru:Oh your on!
After that everyone disbanded from the Common room
Mina:Hehe never question my Shipping sense you fools

MagicalNeonRose for the Idea!

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