Chapter 4

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Class 1-A was lined up in front if the school About to board a bus
Katsuki and Deku stayed close. To hopefully get a seat beside each other

As they lined up Katsuki snagged a window seat Deku quickly behind him being a three Seats(y'all know that little pull down seat things-) Kirishima snagged a seat right beside Deku since Shinsou wasn't in this class for him to sit with he settled for his Bestfreind and his boyfriend instead

This is how the seating is
Bus driver.   Aizawa
Todo Iida Uraraka Tsuyu
Aoyama  Tokoyami Shoji Mineta  Ojirou Toru Koda Sato
Momo Kiri Deku Katsuki
Mina Jirou Kami and Sero
Katsuki stared out the window
Ignoring the loud chatter of his classmates soon drifting into
Unconsciousness.Deku looked over Face Softening Looking at his Boyfriends Peaceful state

20 minutes later Deku nugded the now sleeping Katsuki who had started leaning on his shoulder awake
They All slowly made they're way off the bus
Aizawa:Ok You all can explore and crap just make sure not to go off on your own and to have someone with you we meet At the food court after 3 hours for Lunch and Then we leave.

At first Katsuki Was worried That Kiri won't want to leave them. Not that he doesn't like Kiri, Since there best friends It's just that he wanted to spend time with Deku

Luckily it seemed that The Shipping Gods finally Answered his pleas as
Shinsous Class had also been here and it wasn't just the herocourse kids and Kiri ran straight over to Were Shinsou was instantly Saying a quick later to Katsuki and Deku

Kastsuki let out a sigh of relief before His attention was drawn quickly to his boyfriend after Tapping him on the shoulder
"So we're to?"
Deku watched as his boyfriend jumped before looking around

Everyone had Already gone off somewhere Only a few still at the entrance Bakugou finally turned to Deku
"Well I wanted to go to my favourite store and I know you want to go To yours and since we're dating We can pretend were Going to each other's Store on prupose"
"So like we go to your favorite and if anyone comes we say were at my favourite and vice versa?"
Katsuki Quickly nodded before Grabbing Deku by the hand and leading him to A Bright lemon coloured Store with Pink and mint green accents
In the middle in A light blue The name of the store was written displaying the words "Your text"
Deku laughed Bit
"Kat this looks like a kids store"
Katsuki blushed as Deku continued laughing he calmed down and smacked Deku upside the head

"Let's just go in" Katsuki grumbled

Katsuki pulled open the door leading Deku in The store was just as colourful as it was outside with the pale yellow and pink splattered over the walls Specks of different pastels all around the ship as if some of just randomly sprinkled a bunch of paint everywhere
"Awww I hope it would be a clickbait store and the inside Would Surprise me and be Emoooo"
Deku Groaned
"Oh shut your trap that's a different store down the block you always go into, the emo one just across it's insides looks like this that's the one I go to"

Deku stuck his. Tongue  out as Katsuki held up his glorious Middle finger in the Greenet's face

Katsuki walked over to the cashier
He was glad It wasn't a new Cashier because of it was he was sure they'd
Think they were here for Deku and not Katsuki and Admitting they were here for Katsuki would be embarasaing especially if they rat them out to there classmates without knowing...

Thankfully It was a Cashier e) Katsuki recognized
"Hey Avery"
"Hey Kat!"
Meet Avery and exchange student from England he goes to Isami highschool but has a side job at The shop
He has  Chocolate Brown skin he has vitiligo So A few Lighter patches of skin was on his face,arms and legs and Magenta Purple. Hair
He work a baby blue shirt and Brown kackies as his Uniform
"So what brings you back here? Looking for some new sweaters? We just got a shipment of Animal Sweaters!! I think your like them! Oooo and who is this Cutie?"

(I literally just made this character up-)

"Heh heh I'm Deku"
"Hey Deku You know this fucker
(I had Avery but the sentence needed to be more bakugou) goes to Isami High"

Deku Eyes Lit up
"Really! What's your Quirk?!Drawback?hero name?-"

Avery looked over to Katsuki
"Talkative isn't he"
Katsuki sent him a halfhearted glare
"Like you can talk"
Avery chuckled before demonstrating his gmquirk by Extending his Hand to the Highest self and bringing Something down
"My quirks names Stretch/Expand I can basically expand my limbs but It depends on how much I've eaten like if I'm Hungary it doesn't work as well as when I'm full"

Deku has been writing shit down in him portable note book

Katsuki look inside the box to see some Admittably adorable Pink sneakers

Avery noticed
"For your cute friend"

Katsuki burst out laughing while Deku have a nervous chuckle

Avery quickly put twin and two together Before going bright red
"Yeahhh I'm more into leather And were dating..."
After Katsuki. Finally stopped he looked back up at Avery
"Eh it's cute I'll take them"
Avery handed the pair to Katsuki before waving and and going back to the cashier seat to allow them to look around

Heyyyyy long time no see
Sorry for being gone for so long and have a froppy day!

A/NHeyyyyy long time no seeSorry for being gone for so long and have a froppy day!

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I have glasses nowwwww

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