Chapter 2

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Katsuki woke up to see Deku Cuddling him
Katsuki:Ahh! Let me go Nerd!"
Deku slowly woke up and started laughing
Katsuki:what you laughing at!?.
"N-Nothing...It's just that... You Were the one who asked.... to be cuddled!"
Deku said In between laughes
(idk ok)
Katsuki Face instantly Lit up as he hurried his face in a Nearby pillow a muffled I hate you came out
"No you don't You Love me" Deku said still laughing"
Katsuki just grumbeld
"Wait what's that smell?" Katsuki Had lifted his face from The Pillow face scrunching up in Discomfort
"I told you I'd smell bad we were training all day and You didn't let me change"
Katsuki Scoffed at him
"Yeah yeah Just take a Damn Shower already"
Katsuki went to his Closer to pick out some clothes luckly it was a Saturday and he honestly just wanted to stay inside Eat food and Cuddle with A NICE smelling Izuku

10 minute Time skip
Katsuki Had already Picked out his clothes He took out Yellow knee socks blue jean shorts like mid thigh and and pastel Pinkish-reading top that had white strawberry imprints on it
(I swear describing his clothes is my favourite part-)

Deku had finally come out of the shower now smelling like uhhhhhh
Peaches?(yeah we'll go with that-)

"Took you long enough I already Picked clothes out for you"
Deku froze in confusion
"Kacchan where did you get my clothes?"
Katsuki then froze as well
"No no no no I didn't do shit These are new I bought them on a trip with my parents Damn it"
Deku just laughed at the sparky boom boom boys Expence(Did I use that right. Too lazy to look up the waning of Expence-)
"what ever need just put one your Damn clothes I'm gonna cook Food"
Deku got happier at the thought if Katsuki's Cooking
Katsuki marched Down to the kitchen(still in what he wore to bed)
Luckily they all stayed up way later than him so the kitchen was. Ipretty empty the only person really awake was Iida on his jog but Katsuki knew Glasses was too Nerdy to snitch on him and at least he respected There Damn sex life, or at least he thinks

20 minute later
I was originally planning on making curry but saw how happy Deku was And decided to Surprise him with his Favourite Katsudon
I had just finished And heard a voice
I looked over my shoulder to see Deku walking down the stairs
He had on a black sweater blue jeans and Red plaid shirt around his waist
"What are you cooking Kacchan"
Deku put his hands around Katsuki's waist his face still visivr
I could already see the excitement on his face and from the tone of his voice he obviously knew what it was from the Smell already
"It's you're favourite nerd"

Deku smiled as he let go of Katsuki they both decided to take the food into the dorms since More people would Definetely be waking up soon
Little did they know

???:hey yeah Mina about that bet..

I trieddd to make y'all happy hope you like it

I trieddd to make y'all happy hope you like it

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