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Over the course of the next month or so, the days blurred into each other. Busy at the hospital, trying to keep up with learning so much so quickly, catching stolen moments with Meredith wherever we could. Our shifts didn't always mesh, so meeting at her home or mine wasn't an option a lot of the time. We met in exam rooms, in on call rooms, or supply closets - it was sneaky, and it was arousing, finding her already waiting for me, our clothes scattering wildly, kissing urgently. She would catch my eyes on her, during rounds, or in the cafeteria, suppressing a little grin. It was our erotic secret.

I tried to tell myself it was just sex, nothing more, not willing to lose myself in the same mess as last time. I was older and wiser this time, right?

Meredith guided me a lot in surgeries, letting me do the simple procedures. Always with a knowing twinkle in her eyes above the surgical mask. She was an excellent teacher, just as she had been when I was eighteen.

Then in surgery one day, despite my best efforts to keep focused, my mind wandered into dangerous territory. Picturing Meredith with her head back, hair swirling in a cloud, my mouth skating along her throat. Searching for that pulse that beat so wildly under my lips, feeling her breasts crushed against me....

"Dr. Shepherd, are you with us today?"

With a start, I snapped back to the operating room. I cleared my throat guiltily. "Yes, Dr. Grey. I'm sorry." I was thankful for the mask hiding my sudden flush of embarrassment.

"Good, I'm sure the patient would appreciate your full attention," she commented drily, but her eyes met mine in amusement, belying her terse words. I nodded quickly, returning my attention to what she was trying to show me, and the rest of the operation went smoothly.

When we were finished, and scrubbing out, she leaned back against the sink, drying her hands. "What were you thinking about in there?" she asked. "You can't lose focus, Der."

"I know," I admitted sheepishly. "I'm really sorry - I had a sudden mental flash that took me away somewhere else." I stood beside her, shoulder to shoulder, and she leaned against me.

"Just be careful. I can't show you any favoritism. Dr. Bailey is already giving me a hard time about asking for you too often. But you're really good, surgically, I think you have a great potential for neurosurgery, Derek." She paused briefly, then winked at me. "When you're not daydreaming...seriously, what were you thinking about?"

I grinned at her. "You..."

She shifted a little, her hip touching mine then, the contact suddenly making the air between us charged with heat.


I nodded. "Just the way you look when you have your head thrown back...when I'm kissing your throat..."

"Mmmm...I see...." she murmured, taking a quick look around. "Maybe you can show me exactly what you were thinking..." Her eyes looked inviting, a seductive smile playing along her mouth. I could have almost leaned over and kissed her right there, not caring if anyone was watching.


"Exam room three - it'll be deserted at this time of night. Ten minutes...."

I could only nod, my blood pumping, as she sauntered away, leaving me to control my breathing. Trying to act casually, I followed her after a few minutes, hoping not to run into anyone along the way, as I took the stairs two at a time. Then I was barely inside the exam room, and she had me backed up against the door, raining little kisses over my face. My hands slid along the waist of her scrub pants, grazing the taut skin of her abdomen. My mouth found hers, urgent and hot, our tongues meeting madly, soft sounds of need in her throat, making me want her more.

I moved my hands to her hair, pulling the ponytail free, winding fingers in the thick strands. "This is what I was thinking about..." I told her, tugging her head back, exposing her graceful throat to me. "Just.. like...this...." And my lips trailed lower, feeling her pulse pounding under her skin.

"Yes..." she sighed, her hands under my scrub top, caressing and teasing, then searching for the tie that held my pants up. Her hands felt cool and soft against my heated skin, as the pants fell to the floor, and she eased my shorts down my hips to grasp my cock. She peeked up at me, as she knelt there, holding me firmly. "And this is what I was thinking about..." she murmured, running her tongue along the underside, and around the throbbing head, licking the small drops already leaking out.

"You were thinking of this...?"

Her fingers grazed my balls, and conscious thought left me then, as she didn't bother with a reply. Expertly, knowing my reactions, she took as much of me into her mouth as she could, backing away, and then returning, until my whole body shuddered. Heat and want flooded me, as I thrust against her. My fingers grabbed for something, anything, to keep standing, as the orgasm started to build at the base of my spine and radiate everywhere.

"Mer..."I managed to say, my voice thick and strangled, as she almost had me coming in a matter of moments. She backed away slowly, and I managed to grab her shoulders, pulling her up against me roughly. "Just fuck me now...baby...please..." I begged, I admit it, I begged. She had the ability to make me lose control so quick, so hard and fast, all I could think of was being inside of her.

We stumbled over to the exam table, and she was undressing quickly, our mouths still locked together. I lifted her up onto the table, giving her a wicked grin, as she spread her legs, welcoming me against her. "No stirrups today..." I murmured, poised above that warm, wet, spot that tantalized me. Her little snake pointing the way to paradise.

"You can tie me up another time..." she giggled, reaching up to stroke me again.

"You want me to come just like this, don't you?" I asked her hotly, fully and completely engorged and ready.

"I love watching you come, Der..." She tweaked me again, and before she could do any more damage, I pulled her legs up around me, and drove into her, holding still for a moment to catch my breath. "C'mon, baby...fuck me good now..." She rose to meet my thrust, as we rocked precariously on the table.

"Wait...this was too dangerous, remember?" I panted. "We'll fall off, and how do we explain that?" I pulled out of her, and she moved to sit at the edge of the table, and I hopped down to stand between her legs, pulling her tightly against me, so that I slid into her without pausing. "Better..." I grinned down at her, my hair falling down over my eyes, each thrust going deeper, harder, so that her body shook. My mouth found her breasts, sucking on the nipples, teasing her, making her whimper.

"I love watching you come too, Mer..." I told her, lifting my head to watch her as the orgasm started to take hold of both of us. "So damn beautiful..." We meet each other's eyes then, grinning as the moments went by, building...building...until I felt her squeezing me tighter, each clench taking me along with her. Until she was digging her nails into my back, saying my name over and over, as she came in hot waves around me, while I exploded into my own world of pleasure and satisfaction.

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