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Sloan's POV

Stepping into the office that resembled the rest of the house, I slid my hands into my pockets, walking over to the settee.

They both sat across from me, silently, studying me. I started impassively, holding their questioning stares that tried to hard to read me. Their eyes trailed along my arms that was free, showing the many tattoos.

Acel spoke up first, giving up, "Fifteen years ago, you were two and had been kidnapped from our home. We searched for a total of eight years before we got informed that your kidnapper had died and there was no trace of you, so we presumed you dead."

"When you were kidnapped, we had just found out Blaise was pregnant with Enora. Not wanting to bear the burden of losing another child, we moved from our old home and moved here were it's only the seven- now eight of us."

"It was only because the house we lived in had multiple staff members and many other people living in it together." Blaise filled in.

That explain why they lived in a penthouse.

"Any questions?" Acel asked.

"How do you know him?" I questioned, referring to my kidnapper.

"Isaiah was a very good friend of mine and a trusted business partner." He explained shakily, dancing around his words carefully not trying to say he was basically his second in command living in a mafia mansion.

I nodded, gesturing for him to continue.

"Since you have no more questions, we'd like to go over a few things. Firstly, we want to change your last name back to what it originally was, D'Aboville." I had no problem with that, seeing as my current last name held no real value to me.

"You go to school, yes?"


"Sometimes? What do you mean by that?" Blaise questioned.

"I don't go to school for school's sake I just went because my friends did." They stared at me; brows creased in confusion.

Sighing silently through my nose, I continued, "I finished school years ago and I don't really have a reason for going back but I still do."

When I was adopted, my tutor from when I was living with him in that house and I crossed paths again. We continued were we left off, which was very far in already, allowing me to acquire a degree in business.

Maria was Ambrose's mother and I only went to high school with him. In that same school that neither of us needed to go to we met Ilya and Andre.

"Oh okay so do you want to go back to school here in New York with your brother and sister?" I thought about it for a moment. I was only planning to tell them about my life if they told me about there's. So, if they didn't say anything about their second life, why should I? School would give me a perfect cover to do mafia business and also to get some much-needed drama and entertainment in my life.


"Well okay then that shall be arranged for next Monday, we must talk about rules. Just like every one else has rules in this house you'll have rules as well." Acel started, him and his wife having a silent argument with their eyes.

"No late-night during weekdays, your curfew would be 11:00, on the weekends I'll allow 12, the latest 1. No drinking or smoking. I can't expect you to not curse when your brothers do, so...No and I mean no boyfriends." When he said that one, Blaise hit him on the arm hard.

"She's almost eighteen Acel, we can't expect to shape her into something we want. She doesn't even know us well enough to follow your inane rules." He sighed at her words.

"Fine I understand, but please if your doing what you teenagers do, please don't do it in the house when I'm around."

Is he talking about sex?

By no means am I a virgin, very far from it in fact. I never really cared about that whole not fit for your age thing, if I want to have sex, I'll have sex. I would be a bit of a hypocrite if I did because I killed people on a daily since I was at the ripe age of thirteen.

"Fine." I answered simply. I'll just have to get a house here, which won't be hard at all.

"We don't want you to be confused if we go out and you see paparazzi. We are an influential family in business, I have a well known company and your mother has her fashion line. Sometimes we may not be home because of business trips or meetings."

"Since were on the topic of business and business trips, I too own a company. You probably know it too, it's a software company called Serum software. There's a building not even a block away from here." I admitted.

"You mean the number one software company in the world is owned by you. How did you start and when?" Blaise questioned in shock.

"I got help from a friend of mine back in Spain, about three, four years back." They stared at me, probably waiting for me to continue on who the friend was.

"Well since you obviously aren't going to share anymore, any rules you would like us to follow or anything to be aware of?" Acel asked.

"No prying into my past. I may have to leave sometimes to fix the mistakes of my inane employees. You can tell your children; it doesn't bother me. I'll be shipping a few of my cars here and I don't want any money." I said in all one breath.

"Fine." Acel mocked, repeating the same thing I said. Blaise slapped his arm, allowing me to leave and offering to give me a tour.

We were on the first floor that only held the living room, kitchen, dining room and a terrace that looked over the entirety of the area we were in. The second floor, like I guessed were only bedrooms, for them and any family that comes over. The third floor contained a gym, a few offices, movie theater and a music room.

The penthouse was all very modern, with the same white and grey marble floors running throughout, high ceilings and a lot of glass.

Walking out on the terrace, the tour finished, I pass Blaise and Enora as they talked about something, walking over to the railings.

I felt the presence beside me before seeing them. At the side of my eye, I saw it was Enora.

I met her curious gaze, she startled slightly but didn't look away. Her eyes were a deep green, like her mother's but her features resembled Acel's greatly. She was beautiful to say the least, which was understandable... we did share the same DNA.

Looking away, I looked back to the active city of New York below us. A soft yellow fell over the city, in the late afternoon sun.

"You don't talk much but why would you right, you don't know us. I don't talk much either but, I tend to ramble when I'm nervous." She rambled nervously, stumbling over her words slightly.

I cocked a brow at her, my gaze lazy. "I don't have anyone to talk to anyway. My brothers all have different things going on and mom and dad are always busy with work."

I hummed lightly, "I may not speak but I'll listen." I said plainly trying to calm her but, I think my stare was enough to get her nervous.

"Um...okay, do you play any instruments?" She questioned, her tensed shoulders slackening just a bit.

"A few."

"Me too, it's what I do to occupy my time around here."

As she was about to speak again, a voice stopped her short.

"You'll scare her Enora." I sighed internally, not in the mood for anymore company.

"Leave me alone Louis."

"Mom is calling you inside." She sighed, smiling at me before she walked off to the sliding doors.

"You too." Not sparing him a glance, I stepped aside and went around him. I saw her as nothing but, she may be biologically but not in a relationship type way.

Vote and comment, enjoy your day/night.

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