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Sloan's POV

Today where heading back to America, we've been in Spain for a week and I need to get back to the mafia to sort out this predicament. Emmanuel and I never spent a night without eachother our hot and sweaty session never ceased to amaze me and he never pushed me to do anything didn't want to do.

As I walk down the stairs of the jet my family behind me I dread the reality of me having to go back to work and try to find out what the hell that Italian puta was talking about.

I sit in the back of the car with Emme, Nolan, Louis and Enora. Louis sat silently beside me observing our surroundings as the other three talked about something that I could honestly careless about.

I couldn't help the nagging feeling that something was going to happen soon and it was not going to be good at all.

As everyone dispersed to what ever they wanted to do I walk to the elevator with Emme dropping him on the top floor. I needed him to stay at my house where I could know he was safe. Emilio knowing about him was a big risk, a risk I wasn't willing to take.

"I'll be back later, I have somethings to take care of." I say to him kissing him on the lips, he grabs my ass pulling me closer to him. His tongue sank into my mouth as he reached lower holding my left thigh in his hand pulling it up and wrapping my it around his hip, groaning into the kiss.

I run my hands through his hair, wanting to ditch all my responsibilities so bad, but I couldn't.

Pulling away I push him out the elevator gently, he pouted at me gripping his hard member in his hands. I bit my lip watching as he slowly slid his hand along him through his sweatpants.

"Don't. Wait for me to come back." I say to him not leaving any room for argument. He groaned at my words before turning and walking away.

Pressing the botton for the second floor, I ride the elevator to the meeting room. Gathering my thoughts pulling them away from Emmanuel. Walking in I sit at the head of the table, the members already there.

"Report." I say leaning back into my chair.

"The Italians have been quiet since you left, no one knows anything."

"We've gotten new recruits to guard the west perimeter."

They go on and on about the new improvements of the mafia and I'm proud to say where finally getting back on track here in America.

"Since you've covered everything I have some information on the Italians. Emilio wants retribution for his dead brother who in fact was the Underboss for the French mafia all those years ago. He was killed eight years ago in his home in Spain and Emilio think my family and I are responsible."

"I know nothing about his brother killer I think they were someone he owed money maybe. We have to keep alert because Emilio's silence only means that he's scheming."

They taking in my words putting the pieces together before nodding in agreement. Nobody knew about my past fully, they knew bits and pieces not the entire thing.

It's not to say I don't trust them but more like that has never been a topic. They weren't present in that time of my life and it really was irrelevant to me being their leader.

They were loyal to me not out of pity but out of respect. I rescued nearly all of them from life in prison or from poverty and they would die for me before betraying me.

Michael was always never a liked person in my mafia and I should've taken that as a sign to kill him in the beginning. But I didn't and I must live with the repercussions of my actions, good or bad.

"I want the snipers stationed around the house at all times, double the amount of guards on the perimeter outside and inside. We cannot be caught off guard, set up motion sensors all the way out into the forest meeting the road, make sure their hidden. If it comes down to battle you stay and defend what's ours, we aren't the number one mafia for nothing. ¿Comprende?"
(Do you understand?)

"Si Jefa." They answer in unison.
(Yes boss)

"Bien." With that I dismiss them to do what they had to do. I sit in the chair for a while thinking of what happened in Spain.

Something in Emilio's speech stuck with me and I know exactly why. This bit of information can save all of us if something goes sideways and I know it will.

I hope when the time comes I can make the right the decisions to grant us success.

Even if I have to die trying.

Vote and comment, enjoy your day/night.

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