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Emmanuel's POV

Stumbling to the bed with Sloan in my arms I stop at the edge holding onto her ass and grinding into her. She grabs my arm moaning loudly while shaking her head at me knowing what was coming. 

She bounced slightly as I threw her on the bed, grabbing her ankles just as she began to scramble away knowing my intentions.

I pull her to the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of her on the floor. Looking her in the eyes I stick my tongue out licking her center, she gripped the sheets tightly in her hands breaking eye contact and throwing her head back.

"Oh! Your fucking mouth!" She moaned loudly her legs spreading wider giving me more access. I eat her out with precision, circling her swollen clit then dipping my tongue into her. I slurp her up flicking my tongue wildly on her clit.

"Fuck! Are you sure you're a virgin?" She grabs the sides of my head fisting my hair, looking down at me in awe. I chuckle at her question, the vibration causing her body to tremble.

I suck her clit between my lips, flicking my tongue faster.

Her back arches making her nipples grab my attention, I run my hands up her torso only now realizing the ridges I was feeling on my fingers were scars.

I grab her breast squeezing softly before pulling on her nipple, rolling them between my index and thumb. She grabs my wrist holding it tight in warning.

I speed up my tongue tugging on her nipples roughly. Just as I was about to add a finger her legs wrapped around my head, her back arching and her fingers pulling at my hair roughly. She came in my mouth moaning loudly, panting my name.

I really hope this room is sound proofed.

I licked up all her juices, continuing to flicking my tongue lightly on her clit, her body spasming from the sensitivity. As she pushed my head away, I stood up watching her as her chest rose rapidly arm thrown over her eyes as she tried to catch her breath. Her legs were wide showing me her glistening center that I wanted to feel wrapped around me again so badly.

Flipping her onto her front I grab her hips pulling her onto her knees. I fist my length before running it along her center, she jerks at the sensation fingers clawing at the sheets.

"Are you ready for more Sloan?" I asked her pressing my head against her entrance before running it back throw her folds, repeatedly, her juices coating my length.

Raising onto her hands I pushed into her slowly taking a hold of her hips. She moans going down on her elbows arching her back again, giving me a clear view of my length disappearing into her.

I watched as she took everything I gave her, every thick inch before I pulled out glistening with her uncontrollable wetness.

I pick up pace rocking into her, gripping her waist and guiding her back onto me. Tired of standing I kneel on the bed the position causing me to thrust down into her slightly. She drops her head to the bed, fisting the sheets tightly, gasping loudly every time I sank in.

She reached her hand back grabbing my wrist, seeing as that was far as she could go. I lean forward sinking in all the way whispering into her ear, "Is it too much for you baby?"

She nodded her head silently, eyes squeezed shut as she bit down her button lip hard.

I sucked on the skin below her ear, nibbling on her earlobe softly. A knock on her door broke me from my lustful torture. Her eyes snapped open meeting mine as I stopped my thrusting, going in all the way and holding there. She glares at me pulling at my hair.

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