Bonus Chapter 03

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This is going to be a long one. Please pay attention to the time jumps, it may get confusing.

Two weeks Prior. (to the last chapter)

Sloan's POV

Running my hands through my hair in frustration, I stepped out the elevator into the foyer of my parent's penthouse. I stepped back quickly as Nolan ran past screaming at the top of his lungs and an angry Dion chasing him. I rolled my eyes strolling over to the kichen.

As I canned the shelves of the stocked refrigerator, for the past five minutes because nothing at all stood out to me, my mother came in the kitchen. I grabbed a lemon Lipton ice tea from the last shelf, suddenly feeling for something sour.

"I didn't know you were coming over today." She said, kissing my forehead when I turned around.

"I was getting annoyed so I left." I answered simply, walking over to the bar stool.

"They always seem to annoy you." She said, pulling items from the refrigerator.

"What are you making?" I asked, sipping on the ice tea.

"Beau said he wanted alfredo; do you want?"

My stomach turned at the thought of it.

"No, I'm good, thanks." I replied.

She looked to me for a long moment, eyes dancing over my face. Stepping over to me she leaned down slightly, eyes locked on mine.

"You're pregnant." She stated simply, eyes squinting slightly.

"Huh?" I asked in utter disbelief.

"No... never, I have a birth control plan." I said to her, snickering at the thought.

"Are you sure about that because you never turn down my alfredo and you don't look well." She said, her lips pursing as she studied me.

"I'm positive mama." I said confidently, cocking a brow at her examination.

"When was the last time you had your period?" Her question made me pause mid drink. I coughed choking on the liquid in my mouth, my eyes widening.

What the fuck?! I thought that my cycle changed because of all the travelling I've been doing, not that I was pregnant.

"I can't remember." I admitted.

She hummed, taking my phone from the counter.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, looking over the top to see that she was scrolling through my contacts.

"Getting a test for you." She said tapping on Ilya's contact.

"This isn't Sloan. I need you to buy me something for her though..." I tuned out the conversation, my mind racing with the new revelation.

Pregnant? I could be growing an entire person. I have no time to be pregnant, with the expansion of my legal business and travelling to Europe and back for the mafia, I was always busy. On top of that I hardly ever see Emmanuel because of how busy he is in college.

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