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Sloan's POV

Yesterday was tense. Though my mind never ran on any of my responsibilities, I couldn't trust these people.

I don't kill on weekend so I suppose that helped greatly with the urge to strangle someone. Before I went to sleep last night, I had requisitioned some cars to be shipped here, it honestly didn't matter what because too flashy would have too many questions.

Picking up my phone from the side table, I dialed Ambrose's number.

"Where the fuck are you Sloan, you just fucking disappeared." He exclaimed as soon as he answered the phone.

"My biologicals adopted me." I answered simply.

"What?! And you now call? You do know you have a mafia to run, right?"

"I'm in New York, in their Penthouse."

"That means you can see Ilya and Andre now. I think their on a family vacation right now so when they come back." His voice held excitement as he drew off track with his incredibly short attentions spam.

Ilya and Andre Dalton were the reason I went to school back in Spain. Since they left back in September and migrated to America because of their father's new job, I hardly ever went. Only did to keep the principal from calling 'the guardians', that would only make them look for me and realize I wasn't there half the time.

"I may just leave when I turn eighteen but for now I'm in New York. On the occasion I can travel but I think it's best we at least move some members to America. This can also speed up the plan to do business in North and South America." I said, getting back on track.

"I think it would be safer for us to be together anyway so I'll organize every thing." We talk some more about what I was suppose to attend to today because I was gone for two weeks.

Finished, I stalked over the plain room to the adjoining bathroom. My pale blue eyes contrasted with the natural darkness of my gaze making it icy.

Tattoos scattered across my arms and bare middle section, some disappearing into the hem of my sweatpants. Most covered scars but, the only scars that weren't earned from fighting were on my back.

He gave me those. My past was a touchy subject but I can't hold regrets and what if over things that cannot be undone. Overcoming those horrors of what should not be identified as a childhood made me stronger and who I am today. In a weird way, it brought me a sense of satisfaction, because without it, I wouldn't be the person I was now.

I can't say that was always the way I thought because in those years all I did was wholly and mope. My naïve mind thought it was the right thing and in those thoughts I scolded myself for not liking it, for crying and begging. Pain. That was the one vivid thing I could remember from those dreary eight years.

I never stopped feeling pain, I didn't want too anyway because, again, it made me who I was today.

Continuing on my way into the bathroom, I did my morning routine getting dressed in something comfortable.

Continuing on my way into the bathroom, I did my morning routine getting dressed in something comfortable

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You can imagine anything.

Jogging down the flights of glass steps, I stepped into the kitchen, ignoring their eyes.

"Good morning." I muttered lightly, looking through the refrigerator, remembering the order of everything from when Blaise showed me yesterday.

I made a quick smoothie bowl with fresh fruit and some granola, sans the gluten.

Acel walked in a while later when I was almost finished, passing me some papers.

"The delivery guy wanted you to sign those." It was the papers for my cars that had already came.

"Sloan, you'll be going to get things for your room today. Nolan and Beau will take you." Blaise said, I cocked a brow, the papers in my hand standing for a major point.

"We know you can drive yourself but Enora needs some stuff as well and you both need protection." Acel completed. The should be protecting themselves from me, they brought an entire other mafia into their home.

I had no dealings with the French Mafia and I had aimed to keep it that way, civil. With the new revelation of me living in an America, I would have to deal with them now and also the fact that I was living with them.

"But mom I have a exam to study for and-" His whine stopped short when she shot him a hard stare.

"Okay- okay."

When they were ready, we rode the elevator to the garage. Beau lead us to a black Mercedes Benz g wagon at the far side of the packed lot. The glass was tinted to dark and most likely bullet proof.

I spotted my Tesla and Porsche on the far side. I owned a number of cars but I guess the got the memo of low key.

Not a second after we got into the car, Nolan and Enora began arguing about who could get the aux cord.

Beau shuts them up, saying I should get to choose the sounds. I said that Enora could have it and Nolan protested because I was his twin.

Pulling up to the mall, Beau park's closest to the entrance attracting some unwanted attention. As we get out Enora shied away from the attention, that her brothers and I as well bathe in.

I bought all the necessities and clothes. Nolan and Beau tried to pay every time but I always beat them too it, I honestly didn't need or want their money. Enora had her own card.

By the time we had finish Nolan and Beau were complaining that their arms hurt and that they were hungry.

All the necessities for my room are being shipped later today because some things couldn't fit in the car. We're met by painter's rushing out the penthouse when we got back. They redid the light grey walls to a darker grey like I had requested during the tour yesterday.

The room had dark walls contrasted well with the light white and grey marble floors and countertop in the bathroom.

I packed everything I bought to my liking into the large walk in closet. I had no weapons on me besides a pocket knife but I do have a few guns in my cars.

When I had finished, the furniture had arrived along with the pictures and the TV.

Nolan came in with the last box, offering to help me. He rambled on and on about something as we built the brand new king sized bed I had bought.

He was very energetic, when he finished one topic he moved right on into the other one. He didn't seem to mind the fact that I only hummed when he finished his exciting stories but he seemed in glee.

We bonded over the strangest thing when he began asking me questions. Hours later we had finished and the room looked brand new.

"Come for dinner." Dion said when he stuck his head through the small gap in the door and then disappeared as fast as he came.

Dinner was moderate, better than yesterday and their curious questions. Too many questions if you asked me.

Vote and comment, enjoy your day/night.

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