wolves without teeth - yoonkook

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"wolves without teeth" by notyoongs on ao3. part 2 of the "monsters & men" series.

rating : explicit
category : M/M
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summary :

he should have known it would happen, but he's still here, staring down at the tentacle wrapped around his wrist so that he doesn't have to look at yoongi—yoongi, who only takes a semi-human form because jeongguk asks him to. yoongi, who comes every time jeongguk asks him to. yoongi, who stays every time jeongguk asks him to.


jeongguk's eyes snap upward, looking at yoongi. "what?"

"okay, jeongguk," says yoongi. "let's go on a date."


when jeongguk gets home, it's without the usual hop in his step; he marches up the stairs to his apartment and grumbles when he can't fit the key in the lock on his first try, nor on his second. when he finally gets the key into the lock and unlocks the door, it's with something curdling within him; he doesn't mean to slam the door shut but does it anyway, startling himself with the loud bang. for a second, he just stands there and glares at the empty kitchen table, empty living room. empty apartment.

empty life.

all at once, he feels tears beginning to well in his eyes, everything he's been keeping at bay since he got on the bus to come home. and it's stupid to cry, maybe, but he can't help being an emotional person—can't help being affected so greatly by miniscule things. but jeongguk is angry too, and he angrily wipes at his eyes before he struggles to get his own coat off, tossing it somewhere in the kitchen before he stomps toward his room. there's no one to complain about jeongguk leaving his clothes everywhere, anyway. there's no one to complain about slamming doors and marching footsteps, and that's the problem.

in his room, jeongguk paces back and forth, aggressively wiping at his eyes when a new tear dares to well up. he's being irrational, probably. it's not his friend's fault that she's been in a happy relationship for the past few months and likes to tote around her boyfriend everywhere she goes. the boyfriend in question is a lovely person, of course. he's always offering to carry her bags and he brings her coffee at work and he calls her every night to tell her goodnight. they look at each other with so much care and compassion that it makes jeongguk want to cry.

he's happy for her. he's happy for them both.

but jesus fucking christ, if jeongguk isn't jealous—

he's known for a long time, of course, that he's lonely. he has friends, but none close enough to help him in this situation. he's had several failed attempts at tinder and other dating sites. a friend once suggested he just try to meet people, try to get close enough to warrant actually getting a boyfriend, but that isn't the problem.

the problem is that jeongguk isn't just lonely—he's already half in love, or maybe whole in love now, with someone he can't have. because that someone is, quite literally, the monster under his bed.

jeongguk stops pacing as the thought occurs to him, as it always does when he feels upset about being alone, about not getting to hold hands with someone while they walk down the street; his eyes turn to his bed, chest heaving. the thing is, he only ever calls on yoongi for sex—that's the point. the first time it happened, he'd merely been getting himself off and whining for someone, anyone, and then yoongi had shown up, tentacles and all.

it's been months and months, though. the form yoongi takes when he comes to jeongguk is pretty. he holds jeongguk if jeongguk asks, grumbling about the anime that jeongguk makes him watch. and yoongi is a monster from another realm, only able to come to the human world through the portal conveniently placed under jeongguk's bed. he can't even stay in the human world for long periods of time without risking hurting himself. by all accounts, being in love with him is a very, very bad situation to be in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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