paint - vmin (7)

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Taehyung flings himself bolt-upright in bed, gasping for air as he is yanked unceremoniously into overbright consciousness. As his brain adjusts to his surroundings, he realizes that something is definitely off. He glances around blearily, trying to filter out some of the harsh light with his fingers.

He's alone, and he's in Jin's bed, and neither of those things seem right.


Memories tinged with that special brand of paranoid post-drunk regret wash unsympathetically over him. He's alone right now, and he wasn't alone when he fell asleep. So where the fuck is Jimin.

Taehyung grasps blindly for his phone, which he finds buried deep under the sheets at the foot of his bed, and swiping the screen, his shoulders sag in relief.

Jimin // 9:00am: Had work- didn't want to wake you

Jimin // 9:03am: okay that's actuslky a lie I tried really hard to wake you

Jimin // 9:03am: you were so out that I balanced every Harry Potter book on your face then felt bad and destroyed my masterpiece

Jimin // 9:03am: it probably should have crushed your skull

Jimin // 9:04am: Come see me? ;)

Taehyung collapses back onto the bed with a disbelieving smile plastered on his face. He kicks out wildly in celebration, burying his face in the pillow as he swallows a squeal.

It's 10 minutes or so before he can muster the will to roll himself out of bed, running a hand haphazardly though his hair as he plods heavily down Jin's hallway and into the main room.

Yoongi look up from the couch, a waffle hanging out of his mouth.

"Oh. Hey," Yoongi says, snatching the waffle out of his mouth so that he can speak.

"Hey," Taehyung grunts, his voice low and rough from sleep. "Did you stay here?"

"Yeah. Couch. Found a pair of your underwear behind a cushion," Yoongi tells him, throwing a distasteful glance at the cushion beside him. "Uh. Do you want some waffles?"

"Sure," Taehyung says as Yoongi pushes himself to his feet to shuffle towards the kitchen. "Where did Jin sleep?"

Yoongi looks extremely embarrassed as he plates up the waffles. "At Hope's I think. I was waiting for him but he stayed over I guess."

Taehyung nods. "Who made waffles then?"

"I did," he says, awkwardly rubbing the beach of his neck, and now Taehyung noticed the floury fingerprints on Yoongi's black tee.

"Oh," Taehyung says, taken aback as he accepts to the plate. "Thanks."

"No big." He can tell how painful this whole experience must be for Yoongi based on the rigid set of his shoulders. "So. Uh. How did things go with Jimin?"

"Pretty good, I guess. I think we're just gonna... go back to how things were. Before. You know." Before you got involved, he doesn't say. "Before I was an ass. I can't really ask for more than that. I mean after last night I swore he was never going to forgive me, but he was just... He's so fucking good, Yoongi. Too good." Taehyung swallows thickly. "He's too good for me."

He swears he sees Yoongi's eyebrow twitch. After a second, Yoongi seems to notice his crestfallen expression. "Don't look at me like that! I did not say I agreed!"

"But you do..."

"No, I just." Yoongi sighs. "Look, I'm coming around, okay? He just means a lot to me and it's hard to accept the fact that someone might deserve him. I think... I think you guys could be really good together."

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