paint - vmin (1)

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"paint" by minverse on ao3

rating : explicit
category : M/M

summary :
"He doesn't seem okay," Jimin notes, several long gracefully curling strands falling forward as he cranes his head in front of Taehyung's face to get a better look.

"He's fine. He's just a little shaken by your dick," Jin tells him without an ounce of shame, and Taehyung has the presence of mind to cut his eyes sharply in his direction.

"Ahhhh," Jimin hums appreciatively, turning back to Taehyung and fluttering his long lashes. "Well that's okay, honey. Lots of people are shaken by my dick. Granted, it's usually inside of them at the time."

(AU where supposedlystraightboy!tae falls for a pretty drag queen named Minnie and has a pretty chill questioning of his sexuality)


Kim Taehyung, sometimes referred to by his peers as the Robin Hood of the internet, was unquestionably one of the most handsome and interesting men of his generation. His best friend and confidant was an elderly gay man named-" 

"TAE, I am not elderly,"  Jin huffs in exasperation over his shoulder.  "Delete that right now." 

"P.O.S.," Taehyung whispers as he types, frame hunched protectively around his screen as he feels Jin's presence behind him. "What? I'm not doing anything." 

"I know what 'parent over shoulder' means, and I don't know how many times I can tell you that I am not your motherfucking mom." 

"Maybe I'll believe that when you stop wiping food off of my mouth with a spitty napkin in public," Taehyung shoots back, moodily mashing the backspace button on his keyboard. 

"Whatever," Jin sighs, resigned now, "Just stop writing about me on your blog." 

"I'm not! You know I deleted my blog after I got all that hate for the Teletubbies post," Taehyung reminds him, nose in the air. "It's for my autobiography."  

"Why are you writing your autobiography in third person?" He pauses. "Wait, why are you writing an autobiography?"  

"Well, I've been doing a lot of thinking," Taehyung says as he shuts his laptop with a sigh. "I'm 25, single, I work from home, and I haven't spoken to anyone except you in four days. The only things I have going for me are my face and my beanie baby collection. I am slightly concerned about my legacy." 

"Why would anybody want to read an autobiography about you? You lead a completely unremarkable life." 

"Exactly!" Taehyung agrees wholeheartedly, turning around in his chair to look at Jin, who is standing in front of his sink and preparing to wash the dishes. "That's why I have to write it. I can shape the way I tell my own story. And I think that through sheer will and determination, anyone can become a beloved historical figure. I want them to write a hit rap musical about me."

"Do whatever the hell you want. Just leave me out of it. History does not look favorably upon gay men."

"Fair." Taehyung slumps dramatically in his chair, chin pushed up unattractively against his chest. "But what else am I supposed to write about? You're the only person I talk to and so by default you're the most interesting thing I have going on. That's right, YOU, who only just started wearing open-toed shoes after a prolonged internal moral struggle. There is nothing happening in my life." 

"Then, I dunno. Make things happen. Venture somewhere besides my house and the day-old bread store. I mean, you can come to the club with me and Yoongi tonight, if you want."  

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