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Hey. I don't know how many times I've rewritten this letter. Or if you'll even see it. It's been a while hasn't it?

1 year to be exact. I always used to think that you'll come back. That you'll see all you've done for us. But you never did.

I just wanted to tell you all that's happened ever since you left. John and the others made up, even though they still don't fully trust him. John has tried to make it up to the school, but they never really trusted him again. Uh, oh! Arlo and elaine confessed, they aren't dating because they want to take it slow. Remi and blyke are in the "just friends" stage and won't confess. Me and uh...john? Well, I may have gained some feelings for him. But don't tell anyone!

I really hope you are doing good. You just left without a reason. Yeah you said goodbye but you never really gave us an answer as to why.

I know if you were still here we would have been great friends, with sleepovers, meeting your family, and telling each other all our secrets.

I hope wherever you are, whatever you're doing, whoever you're with, all are doing good. I hope you know all you helped do over here. Thank you again

Your old friend


Hope this gave you a little bit more closure. Yes I did just post two updates. I actually finished the last chapter yesterday but wanted to finish this before I posted it.

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