Hugh A.

966 15 6

September 3rd, 1940.

I look at my calendar. The date isn't crossed off, and it never will be. Every day is September 3rd, and every year is 1940. It never changes. I'm sick of it. My friends try to cheer me up, but it doesn't help. I'm tired of living out the same day, over and over again. The only good thing about the loop is Hugh.

Hugh Apiston. My best friend. He's the best. Yesterday he asked me to be his girlfriend. That was probably the best moment of my life, to be honest. Here's what happened.

Flashback to the day before around noon.

"(Y/n)! Hey, I gotta talk to you." I heard. I was walking along the beach with Emma, we were talking and laughing. I turned around and saw my best friend, Hugh, running towards us, waving us down. He caught up to us, stopping in front of me. "Hello, (Y/n), Emma."

"Hey, Hugh," Emma said.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"Oh, nothing much. I need to talk to you though."

"Uhh, okay. Like, now? I'm kinda busy right now..." I said.

"But I reaaaallllllyyyyyy need to talk to you, love. Please?" Hugh said, smiling.

"Alright fine, what's up?"

"Emma, do you mind?" Hugh said, turning to Emma. She nodded, mouthing "oh", said goodbye, and walked away.

"Is everything alright?" I asked him, worried.

"Definitely. Well, I'm a bit nervous, I suppose."

"Nervous? You? Why?" Hugh never gets nervous, so now I'm nervous.

"A bit. Um, well, (y/n), we're best friends, right?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded.

"Of course we are! Why?" Hugh took a deep breath. A few of his bees flew out and landed on my head, causing me to giggle. I love his bees. They're so cute. "Aww, hey guys!" They buzzed in return.

Hugh looked down smiling, his face red. "So, I guess what I want to tell is that I kind of, sort of, really like you..." I stood there, stunned.

"Wait, seriously?" He nodded.

"I mean how could I not?" He stood up straighter, gaining more confidence. "You're amazing! You're so funny and sweet, not to mention beautiful. I mean you are mesmerizing, love. I've liked you for a while. You never fail to make me smile, you know."

"Wait, but I thought you liked Fiona? You even told me you thought you might have a crush on her." I asked, dumbfounded.

"I didn't want you to find out that I liked you. I thought it might ruin our friendship, and nothing is worth that."

"Hugh I-" He interrupted me.

"Sorry, I figured this might end badly. Millard told me you liked me, too, so he told me to go for it." Hugh's face was red by this point.

I didn't know what to do. Of course, I liked him. I've been like, crazy in love with him for months. "Hugh. Can I talk?"

He nodded, adding a quiet "sorry."

"Thank you. Now, I suppose I'll have to go murder Millard because I told him that in confidence. He promised not to tell anyone. I think I have time to do this, though." I walked closer to Hugh and pressed my lips to his. He was stunned for a moment but quickly kissed me back.

I pulled away, smiling. "So does that answer suffice?" He laughed.

"Definitely. (Y/n) (L/n), will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?"

My eyes lit up as I nodded quickly, giggling. "The honour's all mine, Hugh Apiston."

"Brilliant!" He picked me up and spun me around. Laughing, I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Now, I must go murder, Millard. Care to join me?" I said, holding my hand out.

"I would love to, darling." He said, taking my hand in his.

"Lovely. Let's go, then!"

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