hey guys

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Hey. It's been awhile since I've updated for real and I'm soooo sorry about that.

Have a Dan Howell meme.

Ok, so I've been dealing with a lot of things lately, so I've been doing a really sucky job at updating all of my stories and stuff

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Ok, so I've been dealing with a lot of things lately, so I've been doing a really sucky job at updating all of my stories and stuff. I've been suffering from severe depression for a few months now, my anxiety and ADD has gotten worse, and I haven't been talking to my friends much, and I haven't been eating as much.

I'm in the process of getting better now, but it's really hard. I'm doing a lot better than I was last month, tho. I keep getting really bad migraines and stuff, too.

I've had a lot of time to think, as well. Don't worry, I'm still gonna continue writing and stuff. I love you guys too much to quit. Thank you to everyone that's been so supportive to me. You all mean the world to me. Ily all!

But what I've been thinking about is myself and who I am as a person. I've now come to terms with who I am and I've realized something. I'm Pansexual! Yaaaay 😁

I think I've known for a while now, but idk

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I think I've known for a while now, but idk. It's kinda hard to tell sometimes. Ya know?

Anyway, I accidentally outed myself to my grandma the other day and she said that's it's just a phase and I'll meet a nice guy someday and he'll make me see that it's a phase. I got home and broke down crying. I've always had the best relationship with my grandma, I know she loves me and I love her, but it hurt to hear her say that.

I came out to my mom the other day as well. She took it really well, and is super happy for me. I also told my best friend and she was so supportive that I cried. I was so happy.

Idk what to do about my brother though. He's kinda homophobic and thinks it's weird. I'm scared to tell him.

If anyone has any advice, please PM me. Please...

Also, I do need a few new friends, so if anyone wants to be friends, PM me! 🥰❤

Ily all so much. Thank you.

I'm working on starting a new book soon. Probably either Harry Potter, Stranger Things, IT, or the Umbrella Academy.

Here, plz vote

Harry Potter

Stranger Things


The Umbrella Academy

Thank you guys. I love you all!

~KaityKat 💖💛💙

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