millard (story)- part four

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We ran for a little bit longer, then we arrived at the old children's home. But this wasn't the old children's home. It was completely restored. Everything seemed to be in perfect condition. Where are we?

"Jacobs shoes are caked with filth. He'll track dirt in. The Bird'll have an attack!" Millard said just before we went into the house.

"Take your shoes off." Emma ordered.

"Should I?" I asked, turning to Millard, who was wearing the jackets.

"I think you're fine." I nodded, and the four of us walked into the house.

The house was beautiful. It wasn't really a house though, but more like a mansion. It was huge. Everything was in pristine condition. It was like we had gone back in time. I looked around as we walked and I saw some little eyes peeking at us through the banisters on the large staircase.

"Millard, watch th-" Emma began to say as we reached a large window in the hallway of the second floor, but she was cut off by Millard saying "one moment!" and running off. "Millard! Now where is he going?" Emma grumbled to herself.

"He's probably going to put some clothes on." I replied. Sure enough, around two minutes later, Millard returns. Fully clothed might I add.

"Now that you're back, watch them while I go talk to The Bird. Don't let go of either of them." I felt Millard lightly grab onto my arm, and he did the same to Jacob.

As soon as Emma walked away, his hands fell from our arms, and he took my hand in his. I blushed a deep red, so I decided to turn to the window. I saw a few people around my age or younger playing soccer out in the garden. One of the boys kicked the ball too hard, and it landed on a large bush that was shaped like a dinosaur (Movie reference cuz I can't remember the book part). I stared in awe as a girl with wild looking hair extended her hands out and the dinosaur bent down and placed the ball on the ground, then returned to its original position. "There are far easier ways to retrieve the ball. They just know they have an audience." Millard said, turning to me. He then glanced at Jacob and asked, "what's your peculiarity?"

"Uh, um I don't think I have one." Jacob said.

"Oh. That's too bad. Will you be staying with us anyway?" He seemed to ask this to no one in particular, but he sounded hopeful.

"Uh, I don't know." Jacob said before I could answer. Millard nodded slowly.

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