Chapter 11

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Time jump to Sam on her way home after leaving Demi's room, sorry struggled last chapter so had to jump. Also warning about language and violence in this chapter. 

Sam's POV:

I walked up to garden gate, bracing myself before walking up and unlocking the door. I knew I was dead meat after not coming home. 

        "Where the FUCK have you been!"  screamed my dad from the living room as I pushed the door closed behind me. "You where probably out with some girl you FUCKING QUEER!" he stormed over, his face red with anger. He had hated my guts ever since I came out, it hurt ever time he called me. 

        "I am sorry dad, I met Demi last night and we watched some movies"

     "So you were with a girl! And not your dyke Lucy! You little slut spending the night with some WHORE!"  my blood was boiling, it was bad enough when he insulted Lucy, but Demi was a step too far.

        "Don't call-"

        "ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME YOU QUEER!" he swung his arm down hard across my cheek, my knees crumpled beneath me as the pain shot through my temple. I could feel the blood trickling down my cheek. I ran upstairs tears forming in my eyes and grabbed a dufflebag. I started shoving clothes and books in, trying not to hyperventilate. I threw the bag over my shoulder and ran out the front door, fleeing from my dads yells. No, he was no father of mine! 

*        *        *        *        *

I ran to the hotel room where I knew Demi was staying and ran up to her door. Tears fully streaming down my cheeks, I hammered on the door. 

        "Demi! Demi! It's Sam! Please be in Demi!" 

        "Sam! What the hell happened to you!" 

        "I went...h...home. And d...d...da...I can't!"  

        "Come in and we will calm you down. Now listen to my breathing, in and out and in and out. Match your breathing to mine. In and out, slow and deep breaths. That's better, now what happened?"

        "I went home and my dad was mad because I didn't come home and he started yelling like always and he called me a queer and a slut like always. But then he called you and I went to stop him and he hit me and I left. I am sorry but I didn't know where else to go!" 

        "That asshole! I will get him for this!"

        "No! No Demi I don't want him to hurt you!"

        "Hush, baby, it's ok, I am here, and I will always be here for you. You did the right thing leaving, now let's get your head cleaned up." she brushed a bloodied strand of hair off my cheek and phoned for a first aid kit. She started singing nightingale softly in my ear and the pain in my head lessened at her touch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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