Chapter 4

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Thanks for all the support guys and for the people who voted. Again feel free comment any feedback is welcome. And I hope you enjoy.

Demi's POV:

We got to my dressing room and I pointed to the squishy leather sofa for her to take a seat. she flopped down, her blue hair bouncing on her shoulders. I walked over to the clothes wrack looking through the leather jackets and sequined tops, looking for inspiration. 

        "What's your name by the way hun?"

        "Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam."

        "Nice name"

I glanced back to see her looking at the piano in the corner, her eyes grazing over each perfect white key. I looked down and her ring finger twitched slightly, then her thumb, then her index finger. She was imagining playing, I could tell. 

        "Do you play?"

        "What? Oh yeh a bit, I don't think I am that good but I love it, it calms me down" 

        "You can play something you know, go on, go sit down" she nervously got up and walked over to the piano. 

        "I am just gonna go sort my hair in the bathroom, feel free to play or just chill"

I wandered round the corner, getting my brush out of my bag. Suddenly piano music filled the room, it was beautiful, gentle, the breath was knocked from my lungs and I was left frozen, paralyzed by the beautiful music.

I made my way back around the corner to see her sat straight at the piano. Her pale fingers danced across the keys, sometimes quickly, others so gently, as though she was scared they might break beneath her touch. She played with such precision and passion, soft yet bold at the same time. She rocked with the music, her eyes closed and her head lent back slightly. She was in a world of her own, her face was soft, peaceful, no hint of sadness or anxiety that always twinged at the corner of her smile. She was at one with the music. her fingers stroking the keys, finding their own way across the piano, playing her troubles away. 

        "That's beautiful!" I exclaimed, she jumped and instantly went shy. 


        "Do you play a lot?"

        "Yeh, it help with my...urges, I can kind of lose myself in it" 

        "I can see, well I am glad you have such a beautiful and creative outlet. It breaks my heart that such a beautiful, kind girl is going through such horrible things."

        "Thanks, I feel the same way when I hear your story and I am so glad that you are doing better, you give me hope."

        "You wanna talk about it?" I asked noticing her eyes welling up.

        "Erm ok, I have always been different I guess, which didn't attract the best attention from school, I was always judged and bullied anyway. In year 9 I came out to my friends and family and as you can imagine news travelled fast. I was tormented, shoved, beaten, called, my life was hell. I started shutting everyone out, crawling into a sort of bubble and not talking. The pain just got worse though, I started self harming to deal with the depression when I was 15. When I was 18 it had gotten so bad that I had my blades and pills in front of me, I had a note and I was about to swallow the first handful when I got a notification on my phone. It was you on twitter with a link to your newest song, it was Warrior and I listened to it and it touched me so much and I didn't go through with my plan. You saved me and have been my inspiration for so long."

I was crying now, she had been through so many struggles, I just wanted to hold her and never let go. One tear crawled down her face, unleashing a stream. It was like she hadn't cried in so long it was all just built up. I crouched in front of her, wiping away her tears with my thumb.

        "I am here ok, you're ok, and I will always be here for you as long as you need me, you can get through this and I am so sorry for what you have been through." 

I reached over and pulled her into me. Her arms flew around my back and she let go off all her pain, crying into my shoulder. I gently swirled my finger through her blue hair making soothing, hushing sounds. Her cries slowly stopped, leaving her sniffling and hiccuping. 

        "You're ok, I am here"

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