The Sheets

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"Hi...Jack?" Anna said confused.

"Hey, Anna." Jack said back.

"Elsa?" Anna demanded an explanation.

"I'll tell you later." I waved her off. She walked away, obediently.

"Alright. So your life is boring, let's talk about mine again." Jack said. We were at my house the next day after school.

"Alright. You have to answer this question because the teacher said so. What was the most thrilling moment of your life?" I asked. He thought about it for a moment, then brought his face closer to mine. He whispered into my ear:

"The first time I fingered you."

My eyes widened, my face grew hot and, possibly, red. I could hear Jack laughing. I guess I couldn't blame him. It indeed was a thrilling moment.


"Are you ready?" He asked. I nodded. I felt something slender, cold, and thin glide up my wet core and I let out a loud moan. My grip tightned on the sheets. I arched my back, pleading for him to go further in. Then, I felt a slight pain.

"Woah, too far." I said. Jack chuckled. He took his finger out and continued thrusting into me with his pelvis.

*End of flashback* 

"Alright, next question." I said. "What was the worst moment in your life?"

He though about it.

"Um.. probably when I broke my leg in 4th grade." He replied. I wrote his answer down in my notebook. 

"Okay. I guess that's it for today." I said.

"Oh come on. Let's hang out."

"We are." I said.

"No. Outside of our houses." He explained.

"Wait. You mean... in public? With you?" I asked.

"I'll pretend not to be offended by that." Jack scoffed. "And yes. In public. Let's go catch a movie or something. Eat pizza. I don't know. We're teenagers."

"I mean. I guess. But, why?"

"So I can have something more intresting to tell about you for our project. And, well..." He stood up. "Because I think you need to get out more often. Friends are good to have, Elsa." I stood up along with him and we walked to his car.

"So, where are we going?" I asked.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked back.

"Um..." I thought about it for a sec. "Let's go to the park." I suggested.

"Alright." Jack drove to the park. We decided just to walk and talk.


"Yea. I miss the outdoors. I miss just doing whatever I wanted for a change." I lied. 

"You're lying." Jack said.

"Excuse me?" 

"You're lying. Trust me, I know when you lie. And you're doing it right now." He pointed out. I frowned.

"Just tell me the truth." He said. I sighed. Mines well.

"I mean, yea! Yea, this is something I missed. But, not walking in the park." I mumbled the last words.

"Then why did you say here?" He asked.

"Because I'm not that kind of girl where all I want to do is party and drink and have sex! Not anymore." It felt good to say that out loud. But not in front of him.

He broke the silence.

"Well, we definately have some differences between out life-style." He said.

"Yea." I agreed.

He drove me back home a while after.

"So. I guess... I'll see you at school?"

I nodded. He walked off the front steps and I closed the door. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed. I was tired. I know it's weird, but I sense something different about Jack. He seems more.. curious. He always wants to know about me. About my personal buisness, about my life. Like he actually cares about it now. What's gotten in to him? No. More like: What's gotten into me? 

My bed still reeks of sweat and sperm. It took many washes to get most of the smell out, but it was never comepletely gone. You know how many time I had to Febreze this shit? A lot. Maybe I should buy new ones. I have the money for it. It's just that... 

even though these sheets smell like a pron scene, I have many experiences with them. They mean something to me. Not trying to be a fucking weirdo, but they do. Not for the sex part, but for the emotion. Truth is, there was a reason why I was shocked and a bit sad when Jack broke up with me during our sex session. But I don't know if I'm ready to admit it. Not to him, and net even to myself.

I wonder if Jack think about the same thing. No, I have to move on. Stuff like this can't hold me back. Jack doesn't need to affect my life anymore.

I grab some Febreze and spray the sheets.


Chapter 4 ... complete!


Soory it was short, but you guys wanted an update.

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