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The sun is shining. The birds are chirping. The leaves aren't falling. It's a beautiful day today. Maybe that's why I was so eager to get outside. I woke up one minute and was out the door the next. I don't remember eating breakfest or anything!

I drove to school and parked in my usuall spot.

"Hi, Jack!" A random girl came up to me.

"Hi." I said back. I kept on walking. I could hear other girl saying 'omg!' and 'you talked to him!' I laughed. Almost every girl is like this in the school. Sometimes it's nice, but other times it's straight up fucking annoying. I respect the girls who arn't boy crazy over me. I probably like them more than the ones screaming in my ear, 'HIIIIIIII!'

I saw Elsa at her locker. She was getting her books out. I walked up behind her and wrapped my hand around her eyes.

"Um.. excuse me.. who is this?" She asked. I silenty laughed.

"Guess." I said in a different voice. She touched my face, then my body, probably trying to figure out who it is. She accidently touched my ass.

"Marvin?" She guess. My jaw fell. I'll pretend not to be offended by that.

"No. Turn around." I said in a normal voice. She turned around and I took my hands off her eyes. 

"Oh, Jack. Um.. hi." She said.


"Shouldn't you get your books?" She asked.

"Eh, that can wait." I said.

"Um.. you got about a minute left." She said.

"What?" I asked. "I was late to school?"

I ran to my locker and grabbed my stuff, not caring what I grabbed. As long as it was school related. I ran to my first class and took my assigned seat next to Elsa.

"When's the project due?" I asked her.

"Next Monday." She answered. Today was Thursday.

"Wanna work on it after school?" I asked. She nodded. I opened one of my notebooks and started answering the question on the board the teacher left for us to do.

What will be your final format for the project? (Ex. Board, Powerpoint, paper, Podcast, ect.) 

"What's our final format?" I asked.

"How about a podcast?" She asked.

"Alright." I said.

Jackson Overland               Sept 6

For the project, my partner and I decided that our final format will be a podcast. 

I don't really like my name. 'Jackson Overland'. I wish my name was 'Jack Overland Frost'. That has a nice ring to it. People just gave me the nickname Jack. And, I don't know how, but people call me Frost.

When it was time for lunch, I caught up with Elsa to walk her there. I put my arm around her. 

"Um.. what are you doing?" She asked.

"Putting my arm around you." 

"Why?" She asked.

"Well, I mean.. why not?" I asked.

"Because... it's not what we do." She answered. What is she talking about?

"Um.. I'm sorry. I though this time it was different." I said.

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