What's Going On?!

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There I was, not knowing what to do. I had to think of something, quick! Why was he doing this anyway? What's he trying to pull? Is he doing what I think he's doing? Or something else? Oh no, he's puckering his lips. What do I do, what do I do? His face is so close to mine. He's about to...

Oh wait! Let me explain what's going on here. I'll start at the beginning of day.

*9 hours earlier* 

"Jack... Jack!" I yelled. He jerked and looked at me.

"What?" He asked.

"You zoned out." I said.

"Oh sorry. What were you asking?"

"If you were available to work on the project after school today?" I asked.

"Oh, um.. no. I have plans. Maybe, tomorrow?" He said. I nodded. Someone tapped my shoudler. I turned around and saw Marvin.

"Hey, Elsa. Um.. I was wondering if you would grab some food with me and some friends?" He asked.

"Um..." Friends? Public? Food? 

"Um.. yea. Sure." I said, faking a smile. Mines well, I have nothing better to do today since Jack is busy.

Oh no.

My life is really boring if I need Jack to do something.

"Cool. I'll pick you up and 4." He said and continued to do his work. I turned to face Jack and he seemed, on edge. No, more like angry.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Um, yea. Just.. zoned out again." He said. I nodded an 'okay'.  The bell rang, time for lunch.

The lunchroom was packed, as always. I walked straight to the empty table. Jack sat with his jocky friends. Marvin with his nerdy friends. I always sit alone. It's normal. I saw Rapunzel look at Jack sadly, but then just continued walking. Merida and Hiccup, which I don't know if they're dating yet, sit at Jack's table. These guys were my old friends. Jack introduced me to them. I missed them, but it's obvious to tell that they don't miss me.

Which I'm fine with!

I opened my book and started to read it. The noises around me started to fade.


"How can you eat this stuff?" I asked, digusted.

"It's hard but.." Hiccup said. I laughed.

"Alright then." I grabbed his fruit cup and poured some apple juice in it. "Eat it." I said.


"Oh, come on! Be a man!" Merida yelled.

"You couldn't have at least put it on applesauce?" He asked. The fuit was peaces. Haha!

"Just, eat it." I said. He took the fruit cup, scooped up some with the apple juice, and put it in his mouth. He chewed it.

"Well...?" I asked. He ''mmm!'' with a smile and ate some more.

"It's not gross?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"No. It tatses pretty good." He said.

"Ew!" Merida scrunched her nose.

"It's not that bad!" He argued. I laughed.

"Whatever, Hic. You can eat whatever you like." I said.

"Thank you." Hiccup thanked. He looked at Merida. He leaned in to kiss her, his mouth full of the apple juice peaches. 

"Ew, ew! NO!" Merida pushed him away. Hiccup and I laughed. Hiccup and Merida did couple things but weren't a couple. They kissed, held hand, ect. But they weren't exactly dating. It wasn't official. They should, though.

"So, Jack, what are you doing later?" Hiccup asked.

"Nothing." I said.

"Cool. Wanna catch a bite later?"


Lunch ended. We walked to our classes. 


I walked, not paying attention. I bumped into someone, dropping me book.

"Oh, sorry." He picked up the book and gave it back to me.

"Thanks, Hiccup." I said. He hasn't changed much.

"No problem. So, you and Jack aren't working on your project later today?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Said he had plans." I said.

"Oh.. wait. When did you and Jack talk last?" He asked.

"Before lunch." I answered.

"Did he know I was going to ask him?" He mumbled to himself.

"Um.. what?" I asked.

"Well, during lunch, I asked Jack if he wanted to go eat something after school and he said yes. I assumed you two weren't going to work on your project." Hiccup explained. "Did he tell you what his plans were?" 

I shook my head.

"How did he know he would have plans later? Did he plan on making some?" He asked.

"Or maybe he just lied to me." I said. Why would he lie? Did Jack not want to hang out with me? He could have just said he didn't want to hang out today. I would have understood. Was it that important that he had to lie to me? That douchbag! I stormed  to my class. 

After the teacher gave us an assignment to do, we had a choice. To do it alone or in partners.

"Hey, Elsa. Do you know the answer to number 3?" He asked. I didn't reply. I was mad at him.

"Elsa? Did you zone out, too?" 

I shook my head.

"Then why are you giving me the silent treatment?" He asked.

I wanted to so badly say 'Cause you're a fucktard!'.

But instead, I said nothing at all.

I finished my assignment and gave it to the teacher. I walked back to my seat, still mad.

"Elsa, talk to me. What did I do?" Jack asked. Still not answering. I opened my book and continued reading it.

"Fine, then." He mumbled and turned to do his work.

He started to poke me, suddenly. 

I frowned, squinting my eyes. He pulled a peice of my hair, suddenly. I heard him chuckling, quietly. I look at him, annoyed and mad. I glared at him. Which only made him laugh harder. This'll be a long ass day.


Chapter 5... complete!

Alright, so in the next chapter, Elsa is still explaining what led up to the part where she started 'There I was....'.

Media: A GIF of Elsa getting mad at Jack when he started to poke her. Imagine her face like that.


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