Chapter 1

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"Briar! Get ready we leave in 10 minutes!" My mom yells from down the stairs. It's so early in the morning the sun hasn't risen yet. My mom has found a new job and she really thinks it could do us both some good living. So here I am waking up at 6 in the morning to pack and get ready to move.

It's only a couple of miles away. Her new job is supposedly in Nashville, Tennessee. But the sad part is that I have to move away from all the friends I made this year.

It's my last year of high school and I was really looking forward to spending it with my friends, but noooo. My mom dedicated 12 years to becoming a psychiatrist and I am more than happy for her.

If it wasn't for my cheating father then we wouldn't be in the situation we are now. Well actually, we wouldn't be moving to another city. My father cheated on my lovely mother when I was only 5 years old. She's been depressed but hides it with a smile. I can see right through it but as an only child, I make sure she's the happiest she can be because I love her so much.

Anyway back to packing. I grab my clothes and stuff everything in it. Summer is coming to an end and since I would be moving, my mom said I can spend the last of our time here with them. After 30 minutes of packing, I am finally ready.

I'm thinking of just wearing my pajamas. It's not like anyone's gonna see me in it anyway. With the money my mom has made and the money my father has left with us, we manage to get through life pretty easily.

"Briar!" My mom's voice echoes through the walls of our house.

"Coming!" I yell back as I grab my phone and charger and bring all of my suitcases down the stairs. The mover guys are here to bring the big stuff out of our house and into our new one. I'm definitely going to miss this place.

"We wanna be there before noon so that we can go out and grab breakfast." My mom says to one of the mover guys. She hears my footsteps and turns around. A smile lights her up to face. "Briar, you ready?"

I nod my head and the mover guy takes my luggage from me. "Can we stop by Cane's on the way? Please?" I beg my mom. What? It's like one of my favorite fast-food restaurants. Their tenders are the best.

With a sigh, she nods her head and nudges me out the door to her car. I take one last look at our house. "Goodbye home," I whisper, then make my way to my mom's car.


"Thank you, mommy," I say with a mouthful of french fries. "Want one?" I bring the fries up to her. She shakes her head. It's been about a couple of hours into the drive and I am dreading it.I get car sick kinda easily, probably why I never bother to learn how to drive. I wouldn't want to puke all over the steering wheel while in the middle of the drive.

"Go to sleep honey." My mom says as she keeps her eyes on the wheel.

"What about you? You need sleep too mom." I say with a yawn. I would take the wheel if it meant my mom got some sleep. But she wouldn't be able to sleep if I drove because then we'd be bumping through trees.

"I got plenty of rest before we got on the road. You stayed up all night remember?" She laughs slightly. Oh, how I do remember. I stayed up all night talking with one of my closest friends until we both passed out. I'm gonna miss her.


"Briar honey wake up." My mom nudges me awake on my shoulder. I grumble in response and try to open my eyes. The sunlight shines right through and it is so bright I wish I didn't talk my ear off last night. Well, technically this morning. Very early this morning.

"Are we here?" I ask in my ugly morning voice and rub my eyes. My mom nods her head and I look out the car to see we have parked and the mover guys are.... well moving our furniture. The house in front of us is a pretty decent size. Not too big not too small. A perfect fit for a family. But it's just right for my mom and me.


"Do I really have to go to school on Monday? I don't want to go." I pout crossing my arms over my chest as my mom stands in the kitchen organizing the fridge.

"What's the worst that could happen?" My mom perfectly arches her eyebrow and faces me. I don't know, humiliate myself to the point where we have to move to Alaska. "Exactly." She points out from my silence. Oh, I guess I said that in my head. Whatever.

"You need help?" I ask her. She shakes her head 'no'.

"You need to unpack your room and I need a break from your complains." She points upstairs where my new room should be. I huff and march upstairs with my luggage. Then I walk back downstairs as I don't know which room is mine.

"Oh hey, mom? Do you know which bedroom I will be taking?" I question sweetly. She rolls her eyes playfully.

"The first door to your left." She responds and goes back to doing whatever to the fridge.


Wow. This room is just wow. It's pretty and even has a balcony. I've always wanted a cheesy rom-com moment for when I have my boyfriend and I sneak them into my room and they have to go out through the window. But like I'm ever gonna get a boyfriend.

The room is painted a very light lilac purple color with some white flower designs. The bed is in the middle and I even have my own bathroom. How sweet. I'm starting to like this place already. I unpack my things and arrange them in a nice order. Then I flop down on my bed and sigh a deep sigh. Well, this is my new life. Best enjoy it.


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