Chapter 29

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Things have been going great between Alec and I. After all that drama stuff, Alec definitely seems more relaxed. We also made a promise to each other to never keep secrets from each other again. When Alec has something secretive that can change his life, I want him to tell me. So that if it's bad then we could talk it out together. And if it's good then we can celebrate together.

The end of our school year is coming and then we'd be off to college. I'm so excited to finally be out. But then another 4 years of school. How amazing. Note the sarcasm. 

I finally figured out where I wanted to go for college. I've been wanting to go to New York recently, and my mom told me to give it a go and if I get in then that's great. But if I don't then there are tons of other colleges I can go to. So I applied for NYU. 

Alec and I wanted to go to the same college together. So I told him I wanted to settle somewhere in New York for my college life. He was hesitant but reluctantly agreed. So we both applied for NYU. 

We have been pretty much inseparable ever since. We would get our letters to see if we got in our not in a couple of days. I'm nervous yet excited. I told Alec that if he were to get in and I didn't then I'd want him to be where he wanted to go. Of course I'd be upset but I'd pass it. it is just 4 years after all. But he told me he wanted to be by me. So of course if that were to happen he'd decline the acceptance letter.

If I were to get in and Alec didn't, I wouldn't know what to do. I've always wanted to go to New York but I also want to spend it with Alec. So I decided to also decline the letter too. It's just school anyways. But that hasn't happened yet, and the future isn't set in stone.

Cece and Diego are planning to apply somewhere in Hawaii. They always wanted to go there. Sure we'd be far away from each other but there are phones for a reason. Cece promised she would spam call us if we got into the colleges we wanted to get into.

The other guys decided not to go to college. They said it was a waste of time. But Aaron said otherwise. He applied for Oregon State University and got in. We'd miss him because that would mean he had to leave early for the summer to get settled into the dorm rooms and get use to the place.

So on our last day of school, we all decided to have a giant sleepover again. I know it sounds kiddish but hey, we all are former kids. Cece decided to host is again. 


It's graduation day and I'm both nervous and excited. Cece and I are in my bedroom in our golden and white cap and gown. I did a little makeup and Cece curled my hair for me and beach waves.

"I'm so nervous." I say shaking my hands out. Cece places her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't be, we're graduating! That means bye bye high school!" She hollers which causes me to giggle. One thing I love about Cece is how she always turns the downest moments into something bright. 

"Are we girls ready?" My mother asks as she pokes her head in my bedroom door.

"Yep." I reply as we gather our things and head to the car. The guys are already there as Cece and I had to do girly stuff.

"You both look absolutely stunning." My mom compliments us and we both smile. 


We arrive at our school and head out of my mom's car. We see students gather around and families approaching their graduating children. We make our way to the football field and stand in a line in the back. Boys in one line and the girls in the other. 

I turn my head to see Diego and Alec talking. I guess Alec senses me staring and turns his head to face me. A huge smile breaks out onto his lips and he takes me in. He gives me a once over and licks his lips. I roll my eyes playfully and he winks at me. 

"Alright may everyone take a seat." The principal starts. "So this year, we have our senior graduates. They have all worked so hard and........." He continues. 

His voice becomes muffled as he calls each students one by one out onto the field. I'm getting nervous again. My hands become sweaty. Then an arm wraps around me, holding me tight. I look up to see Alec with a smile on his gorgeous face. 

"Don't be nervous." He says and kisses my temple. 

"......Briar Hill......." My name gets called. Alec gives me a nod and I walk out onto the field. I instantly spot my mom with a camera in her hands. She waves at me and I give a confident smile. I grab my diploma and shake hands with the teachers.

This goes on for another 15 minutes. Yeah, there are a lot of us. Soon we are all seated, listening to each of the teachers give their speech about our class. Then the cheerleaders perform a routine for us, and the football players do a graduating game in our honor. 

"To the class of 2021!" Everyone cheers and we flip our tassels from the right to the left. Alec and Diego come sprinting towards us. He picks me up and spins me around, then places me back on the floor and kisses me hard. 

"Congratulations baby." He says against my lips and kisses me once more.


"Let's take another Briar blinked." My mom said for at least the fifth time. I roll my eyes and we all smile at the camera again.

"Hmm how about---"

"Okay I think that's good mom." I say interrupting her. "You take like 50 photos all in one time." I reason with her.

"Okay." She says. "So now what?"

"We're headed to Cece's for a graduation sleepover." Diego says while slinging an arm over her shoulder.

"Okay but no drinking." She says pointing an accusing finger at Mason.

 "Whaaaaaat? Lady, you're crazy." He says while laughing.

"We promise." I say putting her finger back down. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. You can have the whole entire day to yourself. Get the feeling your daughter growing up." I say and she gives me a warm and sad smile.

"You'll always be my little honey." She says and places a kiss to my cheek.


We get back home and Alec had told me to wait on the couch. Something about a surprise. He ran back to his house and came back like 15 minutes later. "Okay, you can look now." He says and I turn my head.

My heart skips a beat. It's the painting Alec did of me back in art class. The one of me where I was sniffing a rose with angel wings. I gasp. "Alec, I remember this. You told me I could keep it." I say as tears begin to well up in my eyes.

"I wanted to perfect it before I gave it to you. It's a graduation gift." He says handing the canvas to me. "Do you like it?"

"I love it." I say as I squish him in a bone crushing hug. "Thank you." 

I pull away and run up to my room. I settle the canvas by the window sill so that whenever the sun shines through my window, it hits the canvas, bringing the picture somewhat to life.


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