Chapter 6

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"Are we done yet?" I complained for at least the hundredth time today. We've literally spent 3 hours walking around shopping and I'm starving. Cece hasn't even picked out her bathing suit yet. Those bags she is carrying right now are full of clothes. "I'm hungry."

"Fine. We can stop for food but we have to come back to this exact store right away. I just found the cutest bathing suit for Saturday." She says with a sigh and ends with a squeal.

"Great." I mumble under my breath. I'm so done with this. I already found mine like 2 hours ago. It's just a pool party, it's not like you're going to find the love of your life and get married 1 week later. She's crazy, but I guess that's why she's my best friend. 


"That's cute." I say as she comes out of her bathroom in her bathing suit. It really is. Cece has got the dream body. Boobs and a butt. While me? I may have some chubby areas, but Cece says it gives me the curvy body type. I don't even understand how it looks like she has abs yet she doesn't even work out.

"I'm going to text this to Diego and see what he thinks." She says as she pulls out her phone and starts texting. Wait, did she just say Diego? Her sending a pic in a bikini to Diego?

"Did you just say Diego?" I say teasingly. Are my two best friends hitting it off? They are total polar opposites, which makes them great for each other. 

Sure they both like to speak out to the crowd but Diego is much more reserved than Cece could ever be. I can actually picture them together. Their babies would be so cute. "Yeah. It's not like that though." She quickly defends herself, a pink blush forming on her cheeks. 

"I didn't say anything." I gasp. "You totally have the hots for Diego!" I say. She throws a pillow at me which I easily dodge.

"Shut up, no I do not. We're friends. Get that? F-r-i-e-n-d-s. Friends!" Sure. Right. Yeah. Totally. So believable.

"Whatever you say Cecily." I use her full name to tick her off which causes her to send eye daggers my way. I start laughing.


"Knock Knock!" Cece shouts as she knocks on Diego's front door.

"You know you don't have to say it when you knock right?" I reply with a smile. She shrugs her shoulders.  Diego opens the door with a bright smile. 

"Well hello ladies." He says with a smirk. "Come on in." He gestures for us to enter the house. We walk inside and it's absolutely beautiful. He's definitely got some money. 

"Nice house." Cece compliments with a flirtatious smile. Yep, definitely got the hots for Diego. 

"Thanks." Diego replies scratching the back of his neck nervously. Why is he nervous?

"So why are we here?" I ask them breaking their eye contact. "I thought we were meeting you guys there?"

"Oh! Well I wanted to show Diego and Alec my bikini I got." Cece says happily. Wait Alec? He's going to be here? Why didn't anyone tell me? Well I guess it makes sense considering Alec and Diego are best friends. Is it hot in here or what? "Bri? You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah fine. What did you say?"

"I said you can show off the one you got too. In fact, we should put on a fashion show for the guys! Yep! We're doing it. It's a great idea right Diego?"

"Sure." Diego respons, his face reddening a bit. 


"And ta-da! What do you think?" Cece shouts as she comes out of the bathroom. Alec got here half an hour ago and Cece demands we start the fashion show. The party doesn't start til noon so that's fine. Actually I'm getting nervous, nevermind.

"Damn, that's hot." Diego says staring at her chest area. I don't feel comfortable with this. I mean with Cece it's okay because we're both girls but now with guys? No thanks. Too much pressure on trying to impress them.

"Okay. Bri you're turn! I'm going to change real quick. I'll be right back." Cece says as she goes in the bathroom once again. 

Alec turns his head to face me. "You got a bikini?" He asks with his deep and husky voice. I just nod my head. Oh no. Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything.

I turn to face him. "Yeah, I didn't have one. I don't normally go to pool parties." I reply nervously. His jaw clenches a bit then goes back to normal.

"Briar your turn." Cece comes out of the bathroom and grabs my bikini and shoves me inside. "Come out when you're ready!" Her muffled voice yells from the other side of the door. Deep breaths Briar. They're just guys. Not like you're gonna marry one of them.

10 minutes later I have my bikini on. I turn around to check myself out in the mirror. Well, here goes nothing. I open the door and step outside. "I'm ready Cece." I say as I exit the bathroom. No response. That's weird. "Cece?" I repeat and look in the living. I freeze as I see Alec sitting there, alone, on the couch. 

His gaze roam up and down my body causing me to shiver. "She requested Diego to check out his bedroom." Alec says with a knowing smirk. "So it's just you and me." Why did he add the last part? My face heats up.

"Okay, well I'm going to go change then since Cece isn't here so...yeah." I say and turn around to leave. before I can grasp the door handle to the bathroom his voice calls me out.

"Too much." He says. I turn around and raise an eyebrow. Too much? Of what?

"Sorry?" I ask.

"Too much skin." He replies, his eyes gazing over my body once again. What should I say? None of your business? 

"Oh? Um, uh okay." I say quickly and rush back into the bathroom. I slam the door shut and leans against it. Did I really just say 'okay' to him saying I'm showing too much skin? What the heck is wrong with me? Well what do I do? 

Maybe I can text Cece and she'll respond? No, she's busy with Diego showing her his room. Ugh. Why Alec? Is he trying to make me uncomfortable? I have no idea what to do. You know what? I think I look good in this. It took a lot of courage for me to just put in on and go out there. I'm not letting his comment bring me down. Well it actually wasn't criticism but I don't know what to do.

Whatever. He'll have to just suck it up. 


Hi, just to be clear the gif above is not Briar's bikini! Anyway don't forget to vote and enjoy reading :)

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