Chapter One: Fields of Fear

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I ran.

And ran.

And ran some more.

I didn't stop, I couldn't stop, not with her definitely on my tail. There is no way I lost her.

I slid to a stop and sat behind a tree to catch my breath. My axe was heavily damaged and my shield was ruined. My iron armor was fucked, and I knew I couldn't keep running. I had two Ender Pearls left, had to save them.

I couldn't keep my eyes open much longer. I forced myself to stand and dug into the side of a small hill to rest. I sealed the hole off with stone and laid down on the cool dirt underneath me, pulling my armor off and laying it beside me, and laying my axe and shield beside it. I hesitantly let my eyes flutter closed for a small nap.

I awoke abruptly to the sound of footsteps. She was near.

I quietly scrambled to my feet and slowly, carefully slipped into my armor. I put the shield over my shoulder, hanging on my back, and put my axe in my right hand. I waited for the footsteps to recede before quickly breaking some of the stone away and rebuilding it to look like I never left. I then stumbled and booked it as fast as my legs would go.

Stopping was a mistake. An arrow plunged itself into the tree I was resting on, jarring me awake from the small nap I had taken. I looked around in a panic to see what had awaken me, spotted the arrow, and immediately threw my shield up in the direction it came from, blocking another arrow just in time. I rushed to my feet and kept going.

I skidded to a stop in front of a massive ravine. No way around or over except for the ruined remains of a bridge. I pulled out one of my Ender Pearls and took a deep breath.

"Don't even try it." A sickeningly familiar voice called from behind me. I made a rather undignified squeak and slowly turned around.

It was her. Green hoodie that bunched up by her waist and wrists, black fingerless gloves, short shorts and thigh high leggings decorated with black and white stripes. The hood was pulled up, but some of her blonde hair was down on her forehead. She had a white mask on with two dots for eyes and a line for a smile. I knew what hid behind that deadpan mask. Nothing but a crazed grin and eyes that could pierce your soul.

I slowly put the Ender Pearls away and backed towards the ravine. I looked down and saw a small pond. Just deep enough to save me.

"What are you doing...?" Dream asked as I got closer to the edge. "(y/n), NO!" She screamed as she lunged for me. She was too late, however. I fell backwards and plummeted straight down.

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