Chapter Five: New Friend

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I stared in awe up at the mechanical wonder standing over me, like an Iron Golem standing over a wounded Villager. I couldn't speak, let alone stand.

The man spoke again, a wire now hanging from the arrow hole. "Now. I'll give you a chance to back down, and never get near this kid again."

Dream laughed up a storm, actually collapsing onto her knees and wheezing like a teapot. When she managed to stand up, she wiped her tears from under her mask and giggled. "Like you can do anything! We dueled 3 months ago, remember? I beat you, bad! There's nothing you can do to me!—"

She was cut off as my savior tossed an Ender Pearl behind her and held his sword to her neck. "I wasn't trying, friend."

Dream gulped slowly and elbowed him in the face, causing his nose to break and start leaking oil. He cursed and let go, backing away and holding his broken nose. "You bitch..."

Dream ran towards me and twirled so that I was in her lap and she was holding a bottle to my face, the opening in my mouth.

She laughed. "This is an Instant Harming Potion, Kybre! He still has 2 lives left, I can afford to have him lose one!"

I squeaked in a rather undignified way and held still, tears staining my cheeks and blood leaking down my head. Dream pat my cheek gently and wrapped her arm around my throat. She seemed confident she would win this encounter.

She whispered into my ear. "Struggle and your de-" an arrow impaled itself into Dream's chest, miraculously missing me. She somehow survived. Fuck.

Kybre rushed over to me and Tommy, ripped the trident out of Tommy's arm, picked us both up, and full on sprinted away from the psychotic Huntress In Green.

About halfway to where we were going, Tommy woke up from the pain induced nap he had taken. "Who in the fuck are you!?" He asked in a panic, almost wriggling free.

I stopped him quickly. "Stop, stop before he drops you!" We we're running at twice the speed of a normal person. He noticed and stopped struggling.

I looked up at Kybre. "How are you running so fast?"

"I'm a robot, kid. Hang on tight."

We began approaching a large Nether Portal. I clutched Kybre's arm tightly as the new sensation of interdimensional transport overcame me.

When I opened them again, it was only when I realized the temperature was roughly 100°. First thing I saw was a strange blood red dirt beneath us. "What is this place...?" I muttered, carefully climbing out of his arms and touching the strange dirt. It felt wet, but dry at the same time.

"The Nether." He told me, slipping his beanie and scarf off and stuffing them away. "Hottest place in the universe. Some call it hell itself, and I agree. I been livin here since I first arrived. Follow me." He walked off, picking up a torch that had a blue flame instead of the standard orange one.

He pointed to a chest. "Put one of those on."

Inside the chest were a bunch of random golden armor pieces. Helmets, boots, etc. I grabbed a helmet and put it on, as did Tommy.

I tilted my head. "Why don't you need a piece?"

He chuckled. "These guys are my friends." He walked up to a massive ruined building.

"Welcome to the Bastion, kids."

Dreaming Of You~ ((Yandere Female Dream X Male Reader FanFic))Where stories live. Discover now