Chapter Seven: The Huntress

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My jaw dropped. "I'm sorry, you said swimming!?"

Kybre nodded. "The Lakes of Rage, friend. We gotta get new Striders for the Brutes." He chuckled lightly at my expression. "Don't act like that, that's a Potion of Fire Resistance. Lasts 8 minutes, you'll be fine."


"Drink another."

His calm demeanor was really tickin me off. Must've shown, because the next words out of his mouth were, "Hey I don't know, I got a thin layer of Netherite coating my body. Piglins do it for me once a week. Still get burnt up a few times here and there."

I sighed and drank, almost instantly coughing badly. "WHAT IS THIS?"

"Oh hush, I got more here. They taste like strawberries."

"Why not give me one of those first!?"

"I didn't know you liked strawberries."

"You're horrible." I wiped my mouth of the horrible taste. Tastes like rotten cheese and iron.

Kybre tossed me a few of the strawberry flavored ones and chuckled and my reaction to the taste. "Ahh, that never gets old. Let's roll." He pat a baby Piglin and smiled. "I'll be right back, Lani."

He strode off and opened a large door into a massive lava lake.

My jaw dropped. "You're insane, Kybre."

"Well, get to the lake before she gets here." His face darkened.

I glanced at the cyborg. "Who...?" But I already knew who he was talking about.

"Dream entered the Nether exactly one minute and twelve seconds ago. She knows where you are."

I shuddered. "Maybe I should just go back with her, protect you and the Piglins..."

One of the Brutes must have heard me, because a hand landed on my shoulder. I turned around in shock, and saw a large pig beast smiling at me, and making sounds that resembled a language of their own.

Kybre chuckled. "I trust you, and he trusts me. Any friend of mine is a friend of his. He will protect you with his life. That's what he's saying. That is the Captain of the Brutes."

I just stared at the Brute Captain in awe. A Piglin Brute, and it's trusting me enough to do this for me...?

"Now, let's get movin before she finds us." Kybre saluted the Piglin Brute and leapt into the lava, swimming through it like water.

"Who even is this guy..." I muttered as I felt a rough hand shove me into the lake. "I THOUGH YOU TRU-"

My head was submerged under the lava. I was expecting to be boiled alive, but all that happened was that I felt a strange warmth surrounding me. I tried to breathe, and found I actually could under the lava. It burnt a little, but not that bad.

I flipped a bit and surfaced, coughing up lava and taking a deep breath. I looked up at the Brute, who was laughing hysterically. "OH COME ON."

I rolled my eyes and swam over to where Kybre was, on the edge of some sort of black sand with faces in it. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, along with Tommy.

We both groaned. "Hot..." I whispered.

"Well duh, it's still lava, immune or not." He sighed. "I got the Striders all wrangled, while you two were busy flailing like dead fish, all you gotta do is ride them back to the Bastion."

I frowned and stood up. "Can we get this over with, my legs hurt..."

"Let's go."

A few hours and a lot of potions later, and we finally had about 20 Striders laying quietly in a fenced off area, and I was once again exhausted.

Kybre flexed his shoulder. "And we're done. Thanks kids."

Tommy winced. "I'm not a kid, I'm grown..."

"Sure you are, kid." Kybre chuckled, then looked straight south. "She's here, run (Y/N)."

I looked up and saw the flash of her signature green hoodie, not wasting a second as I got up to book it to the west, moving to try and run around her.

As me and Tommy ran back to the portal, all we could hear was the sound of a losing army and a metal man losing a fight. We bolted back to the portal, and leapt through, three arrows flying past my head and planting themselves into Tommy's leg, back, and back of the head.

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