Chapter Eight: Devastation

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My eyes widened as his lifeless body fell through the portal, slamming into the soft grass. "Tommy...?" I stuttered, falling to the ground next to him, giving him a gentle shake. "Tommy wake up man...!"

I felt tears on my cheeks.

"Tommy, don't do this to me! Wake up!"

The portal behind me began making noises as Tommy's body dissipated, leaving nothing but his armor. I knew I couldn't stay here so I booked it.

Just in time too, as Dream appeared in the portal, her axe flying past my head and cutting into my shoulder as it flew, causing blood to stream down my arm. I yelped, squeezed my hand on it, and kept running. The Bamboo Forest should be safe.

An arrow imbedded itself into my calf and I collapsed, blood dripping down my leg and my arm. A foot pressed into my back and pushed me to the ground.

"You aren't a clever boy, you know that~?" Her sickly sweet voice chirped, but I wasn't able to pay much attention through the pain.

She flipped me onto my back and straddled me, pinning my wrists to the ground. "I'm never letting you go again, Senpai~" she giggled softly and moved her mask enough to be able to kiss me softly.

She pulled away. "You know I never wanted to hurt you, then you decided to run off and play hide and seek..." her face was still bright, but her intentions were basically demonic.

"Well our little game ends here, Senpai. I'm never letting you out of my sight again. I outright refuse."

I made a noise and wiggled a bit. "I...will never...listen to you...I would rather die then let you do as you please...your tyrannical reign will end someday...someone will strike you down..."

Dream wheezed softly. "As if! Not even Kybre could stand up to me, what makes you think anyone else can!?"

"Because...we still have hope...hope that one day, we can live freely...without your watchful eyes gazing at us in our private moments...I will NEVER LET YOU GET AWAY WITH KILLING TOMMY!" I thrashed and headbutted her right in the nose, causing her to stumble off of me and back up, holding her now bloody and broken mask.

"You little bitch..." she wiped her face and went back to the portal, picked up Tommy's armor, and tossed it back through, shattering said portal soon after. "Tommy is dead now, because you wouldn't listen to me. I wonder how the others would react, hmm~?"

I slowly stood up and hissed, holding my arm and staying on one knee because of the wound on my calf. I slowly drew the Golden Sword that Kybre gave me. "They'll never believe it was my fault, I'm sure you're aware..."

She drew her Netherite Axe, enchanted with all sorts of annoying things. "You wont live long enough to convince them, sweetheart~!" And with that, she lunged at me.





Dreaming Of You~ ((Yandere Female Dream X Male Reader FanFic))Where stories live. Discover now