Chapter 36

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The room was still dark and gloomy when my eyes opened.
It's raining outside, of course.

"Hello sunshine," Adnan kissed my neck.
"Good morning, I wouldn't be so keen on the sunshine though," I laughed as he listened to the rain.
"Let's go out in the rain," He clapped his hands like a little kid.
I was baffled by how much this boy was intrigued by the rain right now, "later."
Laughing at the amount of cuteness, I rolled over to meet his lips straight away.
"The taste of your lips is one of the things that kills me when we're apart," he mumbled against my lips.
"Guess you should make the most of them then," smirking at him, I crashed our lips back together.


"Here wear this," Adnan threw me a hoodie from his wardrobe.
"I've actually got a top today," I laughed "but yours are much more comfortable," I threw the hoodie over my head.
"I think I should just fill your wardrobe with my clothes because damn," He licked his lips.
I laughed at him and threw my vest at his face to receive a 'thanks babe' from him.

We were spending the day with his parents and seeing as it was raining our plans to go to the park were cancelled so we decided to stay indoors, the dry and warmer option.

We were walking down the stairs when I shivered and dug my face into Adnan into's hoodie, oh have I missed the smell of his clothes. That may sound weird but you know when their scent is over their clothes and I've just missed it, we spent the night tangled around each other.

"Good morning," Abedin spoke, "It's good to see you back here Hannah, we've missed you," he gave me a tight hug.

Adnan greeted his father good morning. I smiled at him "thank you! It's good to be back around you guys, I've missed you all so much," I chirped.

The kitchen door swung open, "Hannah!" Gani quickly made her way over to me and embraced me with a hug, "I've missed you so much! I'm so glad you and Adnan sorted everything out and are back together, he was so depressed without you," she informed me.
"I've missed you too Gani and same," I laughed as Adnan's side came into contact with my left side.
"Breakfast is ready," she smiled and waited for Adnan and I to walk into the kitchen so she and Abedin could walk in after us and let out their excitement. It was cute to be honest. We all sat around the kitchen table as Gani poured orange juice into the glasses and sorted our plates; it was an English breakfast. She refused to let me help when I offered and escorted me to my seat when I reached for the plates.

"You and Ahmed make the best breakfast ever," she was such a good cook.
"Thank you darling," she blushed, "Adnan has told me that Ahmed makes a good breakfast, has he ever considered cooking as a career?"
"He's the one who makes it for Saeed and I most mornings because me and Saeed can't make breakfast as good as he can," I giggled at a memory of Saeed making breakfast once, it didn't go down as well, "He has thought about it but he wants to become an architecture, he does work in a restaurant though," I filled her in.
"Oh we need to visit that restaurant," she winked, "So what have you been up to this past month?"
"Well I went to see my dad and sort things out with him and it took an entire week but we finally sorted everything and he sorted everything with Saeed too, it's just Ahmed left now but other than that I've been in school, helping Zara with decorations.... it takes up a lot of your time," shaking my head at the thought of planning the decorations, I laughed at the thought.
"Honey, I am so glad that you've finally fixed things with your dad, it's the best thing to stop more conflict," I agreed, "Sounds like you've been busy," she chuckled.
"Extremely," I laughed, "What have you been doing?"
Abedin answered, "Gani has kept me very busy," he laughed, "We've been shopping, and we both went back to Belgium for two weeks to see my brother."
"At least you haven't been bored," they all laughed, "you're so lucky your from Belgium, I've always wanted to visit," I said rather excitedly.
"It's truly beautiful," Abedin responded, I returned a smile. You could tell he missed Belgium.

"Right kids, the plan for today is movies seeing as we can't go out and Adnan and Abedin have already agreed to have a movie day," Gani filled us in on today's plan.

"Kids?" Abedin raised an eyebrow.
"Yes Abedin."
"I'm your husband."
"You act more like a child," she stuck her tongue out to him and turned her back, heading towards the sink.
"Now whose the child," He laughed.
"You're both children," Adnan chuckled and they both stared at him in a funny way.
"You guys are so cute!" I squealed which was then followed by a laugh, " and movies sound good, I could do with a lazy day," I started clearing the table.
"Oh honey, you don't need too-" Gani started as I interrupted her.
"Gani please let me help you," I whined, "I'll feel bad if I don't."
She looked at me with thought for a few seconds before finally agreeing, "fine," she laughed, "thank you," a smile was seen from the corner of my eye.
"You don't need to thank me," Sending her a smile back I picked up the glasses.


The boys went to set up the living room whilst Gani and I cleaned the kitchen.

"WE'RE READY!" Abedin called.

We entered the living room to see the curtains pulled, two big blankets surrounded by a few pillows on either sofa and the table full of drinks, crisps, chocolate, sweets and popcorn. A pile of movies sat in front of the TV, The Conjuring, The Avengers, Fast 5 and Fast 6.

"Good job boys," Gani praised them.

"Come here," Adnan wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up and walking towards the sofa we were going to be residing in for the rest of the day.

Adnan placed me on the sofa and dropped himself next to me and got comfortable before pulling me into his side and I covered our bodies with the big blanket. Looking up I noticed Adnan looking down at me so I smiled at him and he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

I've seen The Conjuring many times before but I still jump. My face was burried in Adnan's arm from the second half of the movie until the end and all he did was chuckle at how I was jumping and tightened his grip on me.


"I can't wait for Avengers 2," I said in a giddy voice when we were ordering the food.
"Neither can I!" Abedin squealed.
"We're all going to watch it," I pointed and then laughed.

We decided on ordering Pizza and chips and it was around 7pm by the time the food arrived.

"This is so good," Adnan moaned half way into his pizza, causing us all to chuckle.

I paused for a while after my first slice, I don't think I can eat any more.

"Would you like another piece?" Abedin asked, leaning forward into the box.
Quickly shaking my head, "No thank you, I'm done."
"You've eaten one piece," Adnan's eyes met mine.
"I can't eat any more."
"What's wrong honey?"
"Nothing," I smiled, "I'm just full already."
"Han," Adnan started.
"Adnan I swear," I moaned.
He looked at me for a while before nodding and returning to finish his piece.


Adnan and I were now out in the rain. It was pouring down.

"I've always wanted to kiss you in the rain," He pulled my body into his and cupped my face.
"I've always wanted to be kissed in the rain," I winked.

Our lips connected and it felt so good. My shivering stopped once we were kissing. We were kissing quite passionately until he pulled away and wrapped his arms around me.

He whispered 'I love you' into my ear, making me smile. I whispered it back before sneezing.

"Shit, let's get back inside," He grabbed my hand and led me straight through the door and up the stairs to his room.

"Take those off and put these on," He took out a pair of dark red jogging bottoms and a white shirt with a white zip up hoodie.
"Thanks," I whispered as a sneeze came out.

I walked out of the bathroom feeling much better but that was probably because I was finally out of those wet clothes.

"I'm so sorry," Adnan tangled our arms.
"Don't say sorry," I smacked his arm, "I've been feeling ill since yesterday, it was only a matter of time before it came to surface," I chuckled and so did he.
"Come on, let's get you warmed up."

We were back on the sofa that we have been sat on all day and Adnan turned on the Man City vs Barcelona match before sitting me in his lap and covering us in the big blanket.

I eventually fell asleep in his lap, my eyes refused to stay open.

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