Chapter 26

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Adnan drove us to the cinemas in town and we chose to watch taken 3.

Adnan bought a large bag of mixed, sweet and salted, popcorn and a large coke even though I refused I wanted any because we had breakfast not too long ago. Once we had the tickets we made our way into screen 7 and sat just below the top, we were closer to the middle as the screening was quite packed.
Adnan put the drink into the cup holder in between us and put the popcorn bag on his lap before putting his arm around my shoulders.
"This movie better be good," I said.
"I hope it is," he agreed.
"Otherwise Callum was right," I laughed at the thought of my friend always watching the movies first and letting us know his opinions on it.

I lay my head on Adnan's shoulder as we watched the trailers. He picked some popcorn up and held it to my mouth, looking up at him I sighed and took the popcorn out of his hand.
"We're one of those couples!" I burst out laughing.
Adnan laughed "what?"
"Whenever we're at the cinemas and we see couples we joke around and now I just realised that we're one of those couples," I continued laughing.
Adnan laughed with me "let's be one of those that make out," he winked, laughing.
"That's so cringe," I made a squeamish face.
He placed his right hand on my left cheek and crashed his lips to mine, he kissed me hard and passionately.
We soon pulled away when we heard the voice for the movie coming on.
He smirked, "Wasn't so cringe was it."
"Not at all," I blushed.
"It's so cute when you blush," he whispered into my ear.
"It's dark, how can you tell I'm blushing?" I giggled.
"I don't need the light to tell," he winked.
"Creep," I poked him.
"I love you," he sang.
"you better," I laughed.
We settled down and got comfortable as the movie was starting. People were still arriving ten minutes into the movie, it got kind of annoying because they were all just stood there for a few minutes before they actually walked up the steps and found seats.
"You're such a weirdo," Adnan spoke.
I gave him a weird look, "how please?"
"Enjoy the movie."
"I am but those people need to sit down," I said annoyed.
Adnan laughed at my annoyance and quickly kissed me.
"I should get annoyed more often," I laughed, "I love you," I kissed him back.
He poked me "you better."
My mouth turned into an 'o' shape but then I burst out laughing.

We both moved our focus to the movie which was quite good to be honest.

2 hours later and we were walking out of the cinemas hand in hand.

"It's freezing," I complained as soon as we stepped foot into the busy street.
"Come here," Adnan pulled me into his side, wrapping the side of his jacket around me in the process.
Nothing but giggles could be heard from me.
"What's so funny?" He raised his eyebrow.
"You're so warm," the giggling continued.
"That's a good thing stupid," he stuck his tongue out.
"I know, it's so nice," I moaned.
"You'll be moaning that in bed," he winked.
I gasped "not yet," I slapped him and laughed.
"Whenever you're ready," he dropped his head a bit so he was able to kiss my forehead.
"Would you hate me if I said after marriage?" A shy laugh escaped my lips.
"I agree with after marriage too otherwise mama will kill me," he laughed.
"Yeah and Saeed too," I patted his stomach to which he laughed.
"After marriage it is then," he quickly pecked my lips as we reached Pizza Hut.

Pizza Hut isn't that far from the cinemas, I thought it was at least a good fifteen minutes away.

The warmth hit us as soon as we walked in.
"That was so nice," Adnan grinned.
"I know," I agreed.

A pretty woman with amazing red hair led us over to our table.

"I love your hair," I smiled at the woman.
She smiled back, "Thank you!"
"No problem, it suits you so nice," I commented.
"Thank you," she chirped, "I think I'm going to serve you two, I like you!" she grinned at me.
"I like you too!" I laughed.
"I'm Alice," She introduced.
"I'm Hannah and this is my boyfriend Adnan," I introduced us both.
"You play for Manchester United?" She asked Adnan, her face showing disbelief.
"Yeah," He laughed.
"Big fan," she said.
"Thank you."
"It's lovely meeting you both and I've just got to seat the people forming that queue," She pointed to the door where there were now quite a few people standing, "I'll be back in five minutes to take your drinks order."
"Thank you," I smiled at her before she walked towards the enterance.

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