Chapter 19

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There's this awful feeling in my stomach. I tried to move but Adnan's arm was wrapped tightly around my stomach so I picked up his arm slowly and gently and turned my body around so that I was now facing him.
"What's wrong?" He mumbled. His voice was croaky and it came out more of a whisper.
I was unable to speak properly; I felt sick. I just mumbled to him and he kissed my forehead.

I tried getting back to sleep but there was no sign of that happening, the only sign I was getting was the pain in my stomach. A while after I turned over, I found myself back in the bathroom kneeling over the toilet, emptying all of yesterday's content.
"Let it all out," Adnan whispered as he rubbed my back.
"Go back to sleep," I whined.
"I'm not leaving you and I hate the thought of having to leave you alone for the weekend," he continued to rub my back.
"I'll be fine, it's only three days and Jasmine's back tomorrow," I informed.
"I'll make sure she looks after you."

Ten minutes later and I was dressed, there was no way I was going back to sleep so I decided to do some more psychology work whilst Adnan slept.

Sitting on the bed, I pulled my laptop into my lap and opened up my work only to be side tracked by my phone ringing.

Me: 'hello?' My voice a whisper, I didn't want to wake the sleeping boy beside me.
Jasmine: 'hiya Han!' Her voice chirpy, 'why are you whispering?'
Me: 'hiya! Adnan's asleep and I don't want to wake him because he was up with me whilst I threw up,' I explained, still whispering.
Jasmine: 'OH!' She whispered loudly.
I giggled at how she started whispering too.
Jasmine: 'guess what!' She squealed.
Me: 'what?' I said excitedly.
Jasmine: 'go to your front door,' she said.
Me: 'why?' I moaned.
Jasmine: 'just go,' she demanded.
Me: 'I just got comfy in bed!' I groaned as I sluggishly dragged myself out of bed.
Jasmine: 'Quick!!' She yelled into the phone.
Me: 'I'm coming!' I groaned to her.

By the time I got to the front door I felt dizzy so I took a few seconds to regain my balance.
I don't even know what I'm supposed to be expecting at my front door but my jaw dropped as the door was now fully open.

"JAS!!" I pulled my best friend in for a tight hug.
"I've missed you," she whispered into my ear.
"I've missed you too!" I pulled her into the hallway "I thought you weren't back until tomorrow?"
"So did I! But my dad had the tickets for yesterday's flight so I thought I'd come and surprise you!" She explained as we both started squealing.
There were quick footsteps coming from upstairs and then thudding down the stairs.
"Oh it's just you two," Ahmed said annoyed.
"Hi to you too Ahmed," Jasmine waved at my brother who was half asleep.
"Hey," he glared "how was your holiday?" His voice back to normal.
"Refreshing," she laughed "but I missed you guys so much! Next time you're coming with me," she giggled.
Adnan appeared behind Ahmed.
"Jasmine this is my boyfriend Adnan and Adnan this is my best friend Jasmine," I introduced the two for the first time.
"I've heard so much about you," she laughed "it's so nice to finally meet you!" She squealed.
"She's a huge fan too," Ahmed informed Adnan.
"It's nice to meet you too," he smiled but you could tell that he was still half asleep too.
"You two squeal too much, shut up," Ahmed groaned.
"My sister is back and you want me to be dull?" I pointed to him.
"You could keep the noise down you know," he glared "but who wants breakfast now that I'm up," he emphasised on the last part of his sentence.
We all agreed to breakfast.

"What time are you leaving?" I asked Adnan as Ahmed and Jasmine were talking about something.
"I've got training at two so one," he told me. I nodded.
"I'll be back Sunday night," he kissed my cheek.
"You two are adorable!" I heard Jasmine squeal.
"Thank you," Adnan and I said together.
"Creepy," she pointed between us "are you ready for Sunday's match against QPR?" She asked him, taking a seat opposite me.
"Yeah, I'm exited even if I don't play," he spoke.
"That's loyalty right there," Ahmed said as Jasmine and I both looked at him saying 'what?'. "Leave me alone! I'm cranky!" He said loudly.
"When are you never cranky?" Jasmine laughed.
"Watch it," he pointed at her but soon laughed.
"Well I hope you get played because it's ridiculous," Jasmine said.
"Let's hope," he laughed.
"No Saeed yet?" She asked us.
"I love how you were on holiday but still know everything," Ahmed said.
"Well sorry for being concerned about my sister!" She said loudly.
"Well that's good! Because I'm concerned about the both of you! You're like a little sister too!" He said as he put her in a headlock.
"Yeah we're not normal," I told Adnan.
"Normal is overrated," he laughed.

We spent the next three hours lounging and talking about this weekend's match and college.
Ew college.

"I've got to go," Adnan whispered in my ear.
"Okay," I said in a sad voice.
"I will see you on Sunday night," he kissed my forehead before running upstairs to get his jacket.

"Good luck with training," Jasmine spoke.
"And good luck with the match," Ahmed said.
"Thanks," Adnan smiled at them.
"Make sure you do your work and please make sure you eat," he begged me.
"I promise," I held out my pinky which he took.
"I love you," he said leaning in to kiss my lips.
"I love you too, good luck," I wished him luck and watched him get into his car and disappear down the road.

"You two make my heart melt!" Jasmine hugged me "I'm so happy for you Hannah!" She said.
"Thank you!" I hugged her back.

~in my room~
"What are you doing later?" She asked.
"English," I responded.
"Can I do it with you too? I plan on doing my biology work tomorrow before I go to visit my nan and then chemistry work on Sunday," she explained.
"Sure thing, I hope your Nan's feeling better!" I told her.
Her nan hasn't been very well lately and she's been stuck at home.
"I hope she is too and I hope you are! Even though I asked you this last night," she giggled "How are you?"
"Getting there," my voice dull.
"Han, you will get through this! You are not on your own okay! You hear me? You are not on your own!" She made me aware.
"Thanks," I gave her a small smile.
"How have you been after all that's happened over the past three weeks?"
"I'm over the moon because of everything that has happened with Adnan!" I exclaimed "but I'm still a little hurt over what happened with my parents and Saeed leaving, I mean, how could he just leave us like that?" I questioned her like she knew the answer.
"It will get better okay! I promise you it will! And I can't really answer that because I don't know why but he'll be back, he can't leave you and Ahmed," she comforted.
"Met any new guys then?" I changed the topic and Jasmine went with it and I'm happy that she did.
"No," she frowned.
"Oh well more time to keep you too myself!" I laughed.
"Oh yeah," she smirked "you better not leave me for Adnan!" She joked.
"Of course not!" I continued laughing.

Jasmine and I spent the rest of the evening doing our English homework which was to write an Essay on a movie we watched in class.

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