Chapter 46

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We decided to walk to town. My mum refused to sit in a car or a bus because she's been sat in one all last night.

"We haven't been shopping together in a while!" I squealed.
"I know! I'm making up for it," She said clapping her hands.
"Do you need anything specific?"
"Then I have a list for us," She laughed.
"And what does this list consist of?" I chuckled.
"Shoes, cardigans, makeup and a lot more," She said off the top of her head.
"I doubt we will get that all today," I stifled a light laugh as I looked over the list she just handed me.
"We have a few days to get everything we need so don't worry," She stuck her tongue out to me.
"At least I know why we keep sticking our tongues out," I laughed and so did she.

We arrived at H&M and went looking at the cardigans.

"I love this one," I yelled quietly, "and this one," I gasped, "omg this one!" I squealed and then stopped and laughed, "I want them all," I laughed.
"Pick them all up," My mum smiled.
I looked at her like 'are you stupid?' "They're like £14 each, I think I'm good with one," I decided between the three and picked up the faint baby blue one which had black stars over it.
"Hannah just pick them up," my mum laughed.
I've never been one to spend a lot of money unless I was in need of things and then I just kind of spend it all together.

"We're going to New Look for shoes first," My mum said as we paid for the cardigans.

"Right choose whichever ones you want but make sure there's a pair of red in there and a pair of gold or silver," she told me as I wandered about.

I ended up buying four pairs of heels and my mum bought three pairs. I had one red pair, one silver pair, one cream pair of wedges and a dark blue pair of wedges with a strap.
My mum bought two pairs of wedges, one red and one white and one pair of heels in gold.

"What's all this shopping for mama?" I was still wondering as to why I was getting so many things and they weren't specified by me they were specific orders of my mum, i.e the red heels.
"Just a bit of girly time," i definitely knew there was something going on now because my mum dismissed the question and started fiddling around in the bag, pretending that she was looking for something.
"But why did I need to get red and silver heels?"
"For a party," she was now looking at me, "but that's all I'm telling you!" She tried her hardest to keep what guard up.
"Aw mama! Pleasseeeee," I dragged.
She gave me a pointed look, "I'm sorry Hannah but I can't tell you this one," she laughed at my childish reaction.
"Fine," I dismissed the conversation.
"Hannah you know I want to tell you but I don't want to ruin this surprise," she tried to make me feel better, I could tell she felt bad.
"It's fine, I can wait," I breathed.
"Good!" She laughed and linked our arms, "Now tell me about Adnan, I want to know everything and especially how you feel about him," she spoke like an excited little girl.

We were walking to a cafe so I decided to tell her once we sat down.

"Spill," my mum clapped her hands.
"Well I don't really know what to say to be honest, I don't know how to describe it. He was my favourite football player and is still my favourite football player, I remember seeing him for the first time at his debut match for United back in 2013 and I fell in love. Just looking at his eyes through the screen I knew he was something special because he meant so much to me and then when we met his eyes sparkled brighter than they did on TV and I fell in love all over again, I fall in love with him all over again every day. It's just so surreal that I'm dating my favourite footballer! He makes me forget everything bad and I don't have to worry about anything when I'm with him. He makes me feel safe... He keeps me safe. I'm just so thankful for him no one will understand and they won't understand how much he means to me and how much I love him. I finally got to know the boy I've been fantasising about for two years, I got to know him better than just seeing him on a TV screen, I got to know everything about him, the real him and his parents are amazing, they accepted me straight away and we've created this bond that can't be broken. I love Adnan more than words can describe. He's the guy who owns the key to my heart and without him I'd be lost," I explained to my mum who sat there teary eyed.
"Hannah I'm so happy for you! You've finally found your happiness and I'm so glad that it's Adnan, you were so obsessed with him when you first saw him!" She laughed as she wiped under her eyes.
"Shh," I giggled, "thank you mama," I smiled. It meant a lot that my mum was happy for me.

"Come on let's get back, I think they're missing us," she laughed as we finished up our omelettes.
"They probably are," I winked as we both got up and tucked our chairs in, saying thank you to the workers on the way out.

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