XXXII : The Dreamless Sleep

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Song for chapter:  Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby


The raven-haired woman felt her heart stop as she heard the words coming out of his mouth. Edward was saying all of the right things. Saying all these perfect things that made her feel whole. She knew there was no jesting to them, he was being truly honest with how he felt, there was no denying it.

In that moment, he made her feel special. And he had said the words with such tenderness...He knew just what to say to make her feel as though she were the only real person in the world.

How easy it would be...To lean in and kiss him. To have him make her forget everything. Even if it was just for one night...

But as much as she wanted to get lost in the fantasy of it all, that wasn't her. At least, not anymore.

"No you don't" Gwen answered, as she smiled gently and turned her body towards him to face him.

Edward looked taken aback at her answer, "I do—"

"You're...I don't know. You have strong feelings for magic, for this castle, for the possibilities of a new life. Experiencing magic for the first time does that to people. And I'm the one who showed it to you, who brought you here. It's not me you have feelings for Edward."

"You're wrong."

The raven-haired woman could feel the sincerity in his voice, as she felt her will to give into him weaken. His expression of deep feelings for her weakened her resolve. But this was too much, much too soon. As good as he made her feel, if she...If she acted on impulse like she wanted, she would be the one who ended up screwed.

They had become friends effortlessly. Somehow someway, it started to become something more. She wasn't sure what it was or when it happened, but the electricity and pull she felt towards him terrified her. She couldn't put herself through that...Not again.

"We're both drunk."

"We both haven't been drunk the last times we've been alone" Edward said quietly, as he continued to look at her gently. "I understand your answer. And I apologize for ambushing you. I know I was being impolite. You expressed friendship towards me, and here I am, asking for the opposite. I did not expect an answer that would be any different than it is now. I understand you have many options and plans for your life. Ones that do not include a vampire."

Gwen took a deep breath, as she looked away from him. "You're not being impolite. You were telling me what you were feeling. But...Edward, you have a girlfriend. One that you were planning on changing into a vampire and being together for eternity not too long ago. You're right, w-we haven't been drunk the other times. I wasn't sure what was happening before. It would just happen, almost like..."

"Like a strong pull that cannot be explained" Edward finished for her quietly.

"Yeah" Gwen said, as she looked down towards the festival. Her shoulder remained burning where his cold lips had gently touched her. And as much as she wanted to take her words back and kiss him fiercely, there were too many complications.

She didn't know much about his relationship with Bella, besides that he loved her so much they were planning on turning her into a vampire.


Just the thought of her made Gwen feel guilty. And she was sure Edward was struggling with the same. They had not planned whatever this was...Gwen knew enough about Edward to know he was not this type of person. And she was sure he had planned to never express these feelings he had for her. This wasn't him. This wasn't either of them.

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