XLIV : The Training

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The raven-haired woman closed the door tightly, keeping her hand on the handle as she felt a wave of emotions hit every cell in her body. It was strange. The loss she was feeling was unexplainable. She knew they had only met weeks ago, but already, Edward Cullen had a made a mark on her life.

From an unexplainable attraction, to him hating her, to her teasing him, and then a friendship that developed out of pure fate...They had made plans to continue that friendship, to see where it might go...And now, their plans had faded away. They had to. And there was no going back.

Closing her eyes and breathing through her nose, and exhaling through her mouth, she knew she could not break now. She couldn't overthink what had just happened.

Because it already happened.

Gwen wasn't a little girl anymore. She couldn't make decisions without there being consequences. And if the two did make the mistake of crossing a boundary, there would be dire consequences. She knew they were doing the right thing. At least, she would tell herself that until she convinced herself.

After all, they were heading into battle.

The last thing she needed was Edward distracting her. For it would all be over as soon as they took care of the newborns. Then she would leave Forks forever. She would leave and not look back. She was good at this. She had done it before: stifling her emotions for the greater good.

Gwen knew she had promised the Cullens safe passage to the Wizarding World. And she would keep that promise. What had happened with Edward...Well, they would get over it. She wouldn't break her promise over something so inconsequential...Even if it did leave it's mark.

Maybe in the future, she would think back to this and laugh.

Of course on her first assignment out of her home country, she would run into someone who looked every bit like her first love. Maybe it was a test from fate. Letting her know she was on the right path. Almost like what Cal had said, about being in the right place at the right time in finding Leah. But for her, maybe Edward was a sign that her investigating magical creatures was her calling. That this is what she was meant to do.

Shrugging to herself, the raven-haired woman got dressed in tight black motto leggings--knowing that she needed to be ready to move. She paired that with a tight black long-sleeved top, placing a dark grey jacket over it.

Though she and Cal were only observing the training, she knew she had to be prepared for anything. The two of them were to assist from the sidelines, not engaging in the fight, only there for protection.

Taking another deep breath, clearing her mind and focusing on what was to come, Gwen Disapparated from her home.


When she Apparated to the big open field they were supposed to be meeting in, Gwen noticed that the Cullens were already there. At least, most of them. She couldn't help but notice Edward was absent.

Pushing her last interaction with him out of her mind, she knew his family must have had some sense of what was going on.

Emmett's booming laugh echoed through the wide space, they all looked very pale like always and very optimistic with their odds in the upcoming battle. Composing herself, Gwen smiled as she waved over to them.

"Hey, Gwen," Emmett greeted her, as the rest of the family turned her way. "Are you going to practice too?"

Gwen grinned, "I pinned down a few wolves just a few hours ago. A Vampire will be no problem."

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