XXV : The Broken Treaty

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Bella woke up with an anxious start, finding herself alone in her bed. She extended her arm, trying to find Edward on the bed. But he was not there.

She rubbed her eyes to clear her vision, looking around her room as though to find Edward hiding behind her curtains. But once again, he was not there.

There was a pounding in her head, as her heart began to palpitate as she got up from her bed in a panic. He had stayed with her the whole night, right? He promised that he wouldn't leave her anymore.

Bella sat back in her bed, pulling her knees to her chest as she felt a coldness return to her body once more. Just as it had when Edward first left her. She was suddenly so frightened that her hands were shaking. Her worst fears had been realized.

For over a week now she had been feeling him pull away. She knew he had said it was for his family. For their protection. But Bella had been waiting for this, ever since they returned from Volterra. Edward had sworn to her he would never leave her. But there he was, constantly leaving her alone.

Her heart had soared when she saw him just last night coming through her window, Romeo had came for his Juliet. But when Juliet woke up...Romeo was gone.

She looked up to her cork board, seeing the photograph of the two of them that Charlie had taken before everything changed. They were both standing side by side...Edward's face was cold and statue-like. The contrast between the two of them was painful. He looked like a god. She looked very average, even for a human, almost shamefully plain.

No...This couldn't be happening again. There had to be some explanation.

A knot of anxiety clawed at her chest, she was able to focus on her breathing before the panic really hit. But she was hyperventilating within minutes.

Was there something that happened between them the previous night? Something she misread? She thought they had been fine! Together at last! Bella had felt as though her soul was complete when she saw Edward crawled through her window. The prince to rescue his princess...

Edward had held her while she cried, the two together once more. He had promised nothing was going to change, so where was he?

As she focused on her breathing, she replayed the night in her head. And suddenly, she vaguely remembered that Carlisle had called Edward to update him on Victoria!

She heard the quick gasp, gasp, gasp, gasp of the air dragging through her lips, but she couldn't stop it. It looked like her room was shaking, like there was an earthquake, but she knew it was her own trembling that caused the illusion.

Bella shot up from her bed, looking around wildly for her phone. The anxiety seemed to ratchet up the intensity of the pounding in her head. Did something happen? Was someone hurt?

And though she felt terrible for the thought, she selfishly felt relief. Edward did not leave her again. He wouldn't leave her unless he really had to.

Bella dialed Edward quickly. He wasn't one to leave her without a note or just leave her int he middle of the night. Something had happened. Something bad.

"You have reached Edward, please leave a message."

She heard his delicate voice through her phone, as the fear continued to to consume her. Quickly hanging up, Bella dialed Alice's number.

"Hello? Bella?" Alice's velvet voice called.

A wave of relief spread through Bella, as she forced herself to continue breathing. Alice was safe.

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