Chapter Thirty-Three

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Octavian Drakkon

Eighth Primary of House Drakkon

The crew had been hard at work, ever since the confirmation that her majesty was still alive, they all seemed to renew in energy, eager to get all their work done as well as anything else I assigned them. After so many near scares when Alessandra's vitals went haywire, when the signal to her sheeve went dark, well suffice to say that finding out a less reliable way, but still a way, to tell whether she was alive or not, and one with multiple sources so that if one of them died we would still be able to get the data we needed.

I reviewed the collected data that Jaks' new algorithm had collected from the planet, we still couldn't penetrate through the storm clouds very well, but his algorithm had still been helpful, it showed that the storms were slowly thinning, and when I say slowly, I mean slowly, the storm was ending but it would take months before the atmosphere was clear enough to safely descend with a shuttle.

Months we didn't have, if Alessandra didn't find her father in a little over a month, then she would be required to return to Drak and marry Cedric, that psychopath. I doubt he would give her more than a week after the deadline before he announced that she violated the contract and that he wanted his share of Drakkon Industries. I shouldn't know the terms of their marriage contract, it was supposed to be private, a document only the husband and wife would see, but I had gotten curious and hacked into the database containing all the wedding contracts in the Drakkon Empire, really for something so secret, especially for one between two reigning monarchs, they should have better security.

I may not be an excellent hacker by any means, average at best, and yet it was easy for me to hack into their systems. "Sir, we're picking up an unknown signal." I look up from my sheeve and see the clouds swirling oddly, it had been strange, to get so used to seeing endless space surrounding you and then entering this system, that was surrounded completely by noxious red clouds. But I had grown used to them, their pattern of movement had become familiar, but now it was moving oddly, something was moving through it.

"Sir, I am picking up the signal of a shuttle, it seems to be her majes-" I tune out the soldier as a large cruiser breaches through the clouds, it had an odd haze to it, the clouds seemed to be almost pushed away from it, I hadn't seen that before, when we breached through the barrier, the clouds had clung close, as if trying to make sure we never emerged from the other side.

"Sir, I am receiving a message from the cruiser, it is King Kalo of House Morgase." I wave my hand and he puts the cast up on the window in front of us, allowing me to see King Kalo, just as he can see me, in the captain's chair. Caius had finally calmed down enough to be let out of his cell, so he was standing behind me, I could feel him tense behind me upon seeing his highness.

"Lord Octavian, how surprising to see you in that chair, I thought it belonged to your queen, where is she by the way?" He angles his head as if expecting to see her walk onto the bridge any second now, he was in for a hell of a disappointment.

"She's busy, what are you doing here King Kalo? You aren't permitted within a hundred miles of Drakkon Territory, by my Queen's orders." He smirks at me, no doubt detecting the annoyance in my voice, I didn't need to deal with yet another problem, I already had enough of those as it was.

"Now, now, Octavian, we're all friends here, aren't we? Besides, I took the long way, no breach of the restriction." I glare at him, we weren't friends at all, he was the ruler of a rival empire and I didn't like the way he looked at Alessandra.

"You're here aren't you, closer than one hundred miles. Give me one reason why I shouldn't follow my Queen's orders and shoot you adrift in space?" Caius was quick to anger, especially with the disrespect King Kalo was giving us, we were members of Drakkonian royalty, and he was acting as if we were so far beneath him and I suppose in a way we were, but he was here and I didn't know why, I couldn't take any chances with him.

The Queen Of Drakkon: Book Two Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now