Chapter Four

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Kalo Morgase

King of House Morgase

I couldn't believe Aldrich was still alive, I thought for sure he had kicked the bucket. But no, he had to show up at both the best and the worst moment ever because I knew that he would never let me get anywhere near her again. He still held a grudge over what my brother had done, even though justice was served and this was thousands of years ago. I knew he would never let that go, but I also knew that Alessandra had inherited her father's stubbornness, she was not one to be controlled easily, she would not listen to him. Though I was afraid she might not have a choice, she didn't yet realize the implications of finding him alive.

If she found him before the two and half months were up, yes he could stop the wedding, but he would also still technically be ruler of the Drakkon Empire, marking Alessandra's reign as a temporary one, she could do so much for this galaxy, she had fresh ideas that we needed, we were all so set in our ways, so sure that thousands of years of life, had taught us everything we needed to know. What she didn't realize was her father was a stubborn, clinical man, he would rather see her married to a possible assassin than see her anywhere near me, he would rather her die than be close to me. I wouldn't, no couldn't let that happen though, she was too important to me, if she was who I thought she was, then I had been searching for her for a long time.

I wanted what my sister had so desperately, it was hard to rule alone, to have no one to share my troubles with, no one to come home to after a battle, no one to soothe my wounds, no one to care for. I didn't lack for in sex, I had plenty of women who wanted to fulfill that need, all in the hopes of being queen. But none of them were what I was looking for, what I craved in a woman. All of them were too weak, too submissive, too eager to please. I wanted someone who wasn't afraid to challenge me, someone who wasn't afraid to tell me that I was making the wrong decision. I needed her, Alessandra, she wasn't afraid of me, nor did she take the lies I was trying to tell her earlier.

Which I both relished in and despaired. She would never trust me the same again, now that she knew I had been spying on her, but I had had those microphones planted, before I truly knew her, they were advanced in a way that no A.I. was trained to detect, not yet at least. Then she kicked me off her planet and out of her system, oh how I loved her fire, her rage, fighting against her would give me a thrill like no other.

If it had been anyone else who had been almost killed at that ball, I wouldn't have cared, I didn't even really know her then, but something about her drew me in. My heart stopped when I saw all the blood dripping across her beautiful dress. I watched as the other rulers exchanged words with their people, how they planned to strike at the slightest sign of weakness. It was what I should have been doing, what I would have been doing if it had been anyone but her. But all I could think as I watched blood splatter across the floor was please don't let her die, please don't let her leave me after I've just found her.

And then after when she took her rage out on her relatives for going against her wishes, even if they had saved her life, it was glorious, something I was in awe to witness, she was just in their punishment, I couldn't think of any other ruler who would have been so merciful in their punishment to them for disobeying her. I sure as hell wouldn't be, but my people were rather barbaric compared to others. All blood, sex, and battle. We cared for little else, we were designed to take pleasure in most things, to inspire pleasure or take it from others as sustenance. When she had ripped out that woman's heart so viciously and taken a bite out of it, I felt as if I was going to explode with lust, she was so efficiently brutal, so effortlessly merciless.

When she walked over to me, it was all I could do not to move, to stay kneeling and not kiss her, to not devour her, she may have scared the others silly with her display but all she did was make me want her more, all she did was increase her intrigue. And then she wiped her bloody hand across my mouth, sharing in the kill, a very significant thing to do among my people, and not something I thought she knew about, it was like it was instinctive.

To begin the mating rights among my people, I knew her people had different customs, if she was even aware of her own peoples mating rights, I wouldn't know, but I doubt it was something many would think to tell her. After all the rulers of the High Houses rarely got married, if ever and it usually didn't last long. Nonetheless, I would continue the mating rights with her, to see if she ended up initiating the next step, if fate was driving her towards me, I would not turn her away.

She was foolish to search for her father, he would take her throne away and order her to be with someone else, not that she would listen, but he would be her ruler and she wouldn't be able to disobey him, at least not without consequences. She may have turned me away after finding out about my slight mistake of invading her privacy, but I had to know what kind of ruler she would be and one didn't find out who a person was by seeing how they were out in public, they found out who they were by how they acted in private.

When she so effortlessly asserted her will upon the Bastet's, and the alpha male that Nikta was, he was like a baby kitten mewling for attention from its mother, when she beat me in that race I was surprised. It was her first time riding them, it could be difficult when first learning how to ride them, but she was a natural, I was a prized Bastet racer, having won many competitions but she put even me to shame. I tried to play it off that Nyla's smaller form had been weighed down by me, but that was not the truth, she just so effortlessly maneuvered Nikta, it was as if she had been born doing it.

Then to find out she was actually descended from House Solveig, that was a blow to my chest,  I knew what happened to them, the red hair should have been my first clue, but I had foolishly assumed she dyed it. Then when she demolished Daxton in the arena, becoming alight with blood red flames. Absorbing the energy Daxton tried to incinerate her with, it was a magnificent, she was a goddess come to life. I was honored to have become so close to her and having lost that trust was a wound I wasn't prepared to suffer for long. She did indeed know that she could deny me access to the Solveig territory by not allowing me to pass through her territory, but she would only delay me and not stop me, I was too stubborn to allow her to wander into possibly hostile territory without me to support her.

I would have to take the long way round, going through my territory and through the neutral territory lying around House Rindin and House Aurelie, they would allow me access for favours but it was a necessary evil, I knew that while going directly through House Trennix's territory would be faster, Cedric would no doubt attempt to either attack or delay me, his alliances were only to himself, I would not trust any deal with him, just as I would not make any with him, lest he betray me later, which had not exactly endeared me to him any. It would take me at least three weeks longer if not more, to reach the Solveig territories, but I would because I was not about to let her enter possibly hostile territory without me. 

We had never truly heard confirmation that the enemy had been dispatched by House Solveig, I would have to be cautious, time had made the stories about them vague and untrustworthy. But I would not allow Alessandra to face this threat alone, I would come for her, whether she wanted me to or not. She was the holder of my heart and I couldn't let her stop it so easily. Hopefully, Aldrich would die before I got there so I didn't have to kill him myself.

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