Chapter Twelve

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

The Ikari was a huge ass mother-fudging snake. And I don't mean a little twenty feet snake. This thing was massive. And Cyrall was right, they had been here, we just couldn't see them, because it had landed on the tree branch, moved its head down to look at us and then slowly appeared, the freaking thing could turn invisible. "I don't want one anymore." Tanza mutters, and I couldn't help but agree with her.

"This is Tyrn. He's my Ikari." Cyrall grabs something from his pocket and throws it up into the air, Tyrn lunges out of the tree branch, going right for the treat. He lands with a thud that shakes the ground, this snake in just its body was about four feet tall, I don't mean its length, I mean the height of his body flat on the ground, I watch as he slowly retreats from the ground into the tree again, he had to be at least sixty feet long which is about a school bus and a half in length. He winds back up the tree slowly, his orange scales glimmering dully in the fire light, obviously not feeling like we were a threat.

I step closer once he's perched on the tree branch again, Cyrall shouts at me. "Stop!" I halt my movement immediately, just in time, because Tyrn, slowly opens his mouth, two fangs half the size of my body flip down on either side of his mouth and he hisses at me.

The fangs drip a glowing green liquid that sizzles as it hits the ground below him. "Never approach another's Ikari without permission. They take it as a threat. I shouldn't have shown you him, I should have explained things first. Come, we should leave." I follow him, reluctantly, glancing back at Tyrn who before my eyes slowly fades from view, the branch still sags with his weight, but I can no longer see him.

He must weigh a literal ton, surprising that the tree seemed to be able to hold who knows how many Ikari without an issue. "I don't see what the issue is, you stopped me in time." Cyrall frowns at me, looking displeased by my comment, but he continues walking us back to what I assume are my quarters.

"You don't understand how dangerous that was. Ikari can spit their venom from up to fifty feet away, it burns all it comes in contact with." So highly corrosive venom that can be projectile fired, understanding the severity of the situation now.

"I apologize for my rash actions, I've just never seen something as magnificent as an Ikari, so they turn invisible as well as can shoot corrosive venom, what other skills do they have apart from being able to extend one's life once bonded?" Cyrall seems to perk up as I mention my interest and utter fascination with the Ikari, seeming extremely proud that Tyrn was the one who made such an impression on me. He continues to walk down the hallway even as he excitedly explains some of the traits of the Ikari.

"They move extremely fast on almost any terrain, though here in the forest they tend to leap from tree to tree to avoid the heavy undergrowth, it's unbelievable to ride an Ikari when they leap from tree to tree, it's almost like flying. Though they don't have wings, not like the females do." I blink at him in confusion and shock, the females had wings?

"So, the females have wings, that's amazing, can we see one?" He shakes his head and I frown, I know that I crossed the line and almost got killed with Tyrn, but I knew better now, being able to see one of the majestic beast's fly sounded like a sight I would not soon forget.

"I would like nothing more than to show you one, your majesty, but we don't have any female Ikari. I'm sure you've noticed around here that we have about five to ten males for every one female, the Ikari are much the same, and with us being only able to bond with an Ikari of the same gender, it makes it notoriously hard for female Ikari to leave the nest. Your mother was actually the first female to bond with an Ikari in thirty thousand years. And her Ikari disappeared from the nest the day she almost died, and we haven't seen her since." I had in fact noticed the difference in how many women there were compared to men, but I had merely assumed that they were just keeping the woman away to do something else.

The Queen Of Drakkon: Book Two Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now