Chapter Thirty-One

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Alessandra Drakkon

Queen of the Drakkon Empire

"Your majesty it's time to get up, you have to bathe before the ceremony." I roll over blearily, but as I feel the dried blood on my skin crack and shift, I know she is right, honestly, I should have bathed before going to sleep, but I was kind of just done, they were probably going to have to throw all of this bedding out, I probably ruined it all with my blood covered self.

I sit up and notice the large tub that I used before has once more been brought back for me to wash up in. I clean up quickly, even allowing Yanu to wash my hair to save time, something that I would normally refrain to do, I did not enjoy people washing me when I was perfectly capable of it, but I understood that I was under a time limit.

Using a metal rod that is hot from the fire she shapes my hair into tight curls, charcoal to line my eyes, and some sort of powder to stain my lips a dark red. "To help when you drink the blood from the goblet." Were the words she used, whether it was to make sure I still looked regal or so I didn't have a dark upper lip and light bottom one I couldn't tell you, but I trusted her judgement.

Though my trust in her proves to be the right choice when she shows me the dress, she intends me to wear. "I don't remember them having anything like this when we came here." It was a beautiful dress, with black bodice and skirt down to the tops of my thighs, before sheer purple fabric trailed down to cover my legs and the same fabric went across my breasts to a necklace that formed a halter dress.

"Yes, it was originally a light blue, but I figured that this would be fitting, they shouldn't forget where you come from, they should accept all of your ancestry and be proud of it." I smile in appreciation at the thought, I wasn't ashamed of who my father was, even if they all called him the betrayer, I couldn't change that fact about me, and they needed to accept it or else it would cause me grief later on.

"How much longer do I have?" I ask her absent mindedly as I admire how the dress looks on me, there were no shoes to go with it, but that was okay, bare feet served me just fine right now.

"They should be by, any minute now, I tried to leave you as much time to rest as possible." Like her words summoned them, there is a knock at the door, I hear one of my guards answer the door.

"It's time your majesty." Time to be crowned for yet another throne, it was a strange feeling, during my first coronation I had felt nervous and unsure of myself, I hadn't really known if I was doing the right thing or not.

Now though, now I felt strong, sure of myself, I was doing the right thing, this was my birthright, and I would serve my people well, all of my people, both Drakkonian and Solveig's. I emerge into the hallway and find Nova waiting for me, our colors matching, her dark purple scales matching my dress just as my eyes matched hers.

I stride confidently through the hallways, innately knowing where to go through no instruction from Cyrall. I enter into the great hall and approach the throne waiting for me. I move through the parted crowd with absolute authority, not showing a hint of weakness, taking a seat on my throne I look over my gathered people. They may be small in number, but they were mighty, each one of them bore markings of battle whether through the bands in their hair or the scars on their bodies, to the weapons they all carried, just as I did even now, a knife hidden in the side of my dress.

One of the members of the elder council approaches me, another one trailing behind him with a wooden box. "Queen Alessandra, daughter of Kiara Solveig, do you swear to honor our people's code, to bring justice through blood, and ensure the Solveig clan will always fight to survive?" I look straight at the crowd, unwilling to look away when they all stare at me eagerly awaiting me, their new queen to be formally crowned.

The Queen Of Drakkon: Book Two Of The Drakkon SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now