Chapter 19: Recalling the First

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"Dark magic is ravenous; always looking to steal strength and energy that does not belong to it", I could still hear the old but resilient voice of the Dagda mór—the creator, king, and protector of the D'nasaffaraon.

"If you hide you're essence," the king explained after rescuing us from the Dark-Users, "the D'rochuid cannot sense you".

The tall old man had such a tender and compassionate aura radiating from him, that Meeks and I both instantaneously trusted his authority.

"Who are you"?  Meeks asked the elder with an innocent intonation. He smiled kindly down at her, and then at me, noticing I was hovering behind the safety of her shoulder.

"I am Myrdlin" , he kindly gestured for us to follow him along the solitary stone trail, "I am the creator of this realm, and ruler of its denizens", the king said as he looked around with pride before turning his gaze down to us, "it is a utopia for beings like us".

"Like us"? I questioned.

"Yes young one", he said with a gentile grin, "An Aos-sí, an Muírghien, agus an Druí"...

Fae, Water-maiden, and Druid... I haven't heard the old language since my father left, I thought.

"You speak the old language"!  I exclaimed in awe. He nodded as he led us around green pastures.

"Tell me, how did a young Aos-sí, and a Muírghien chance upon entering D'nasaffaraon"? His tone was soft with curiosity.


The darkness under the stairs was nearly unbearable. But the small amounts of light leaking through the floor-boards above me allowed my Fae vision to see tolerably. I walked around under the house, trying to see if there was any movement... or any sign of my father.

I spotted a light leak, stronger that the others near the foundation of the house. That was my opening. Silently, I walked slowly, over to the light and quietly crawled up the rotting wood, to see if I could spot my dad. I slowly peaked out through the hole at the bottom of the wall and surveyed the layout. Bottles decorated the tables, and the smell of putrid flesh pierced the air.

Definitely Black magic...


"I see", the old man said seemingly without any judgment. "Well. Not many beings have the ability travel through the realms as you have done so freely. And entering the D'nasaffaraon is even more arduous than you can comprehend".

"Why is that? What exactly did we do"?  Concern poured from Meek's voice, and I patted her shoulder in attempts to console her.

"My dear water-child, you have entered the grove of the magicians. I have constructed this place as a haven and didactic omphalos for those who seek to nurture their mystic capabilities. If you are here without knowledge of this world, then this world has sought you out".

Meeks paused when we saw a large dome covered in grass quickly rising into view from the Horizon. I flew between the Meeks and the Dagda mór as we continued down the path, "Sir, are you saying I can learn how to strengthen my magic here"?

"Precisely," he grinned as we continued toward the dome. "I had a vision.. two young mystics with a thirst for knowledge would enter my realm and reveal two Druí to be D'rochuid... Dark Magic is not welcome here, you see. You have my gratitude for your revelation".

We paused as he stopped a few yards away from the entrance to the grass dome. He waved his hand softly and a small chain ring appeared, though to me it was a long necklace.

"For you, Young Fae. A amhach cruth-atharrachaidh: a necklace of transformation."  I reluctantly floated to his hand and picked it up, "you have a stirring journey lying before you. Wrap this necklace twice around your finger, and you will transform to Human, Muírghien, and Druí alike. But, this gift is only too be used is case of  dire urgency or threat of  death. In return, I ask that you guard this item fiercely and furtively. And if you wish to return here, you need only call your friend".

I slowly wrapped my new enchanted chain around my neck and bowed with grateful astonishment. I turned to look at Meeks, who's jaw was as loose as mine.

"For you, Young Mer,", he twisted his hand and from out of the air he pulled a tasteful and subtle tiara, "a cohuleen druith. It will allow you to freely travel between land, sea, and all realms alike without repercussions. Your home is now your gateway, and your freedom".

Meeks took a step toward me as we looked at each other with confusion of what was transpiring, and simultaneously looked at the odd Ruler of this new realm.

"The cohuleen druith, and the amhach cruth-atharrachaidh, are sisters in Mysticism. As are you two. When one calls, the other can answer."  He gestured toward the tunnel into the dome, "your exit is within the river below, you may return when you wish, but this sanctuary must remain safe and therefore requires the highest concealment". He nodded sweetly before turning around and disappearing into the air.

Meeks and I smiled as we made our way through the tunnel. We were astounded with a discovery of a realm that called us to it. We looked down at the eroded hole in the ground, with a lovely blue river flowing slowly. We jumped in together, ready to return to the trouble that awaited us on the other side.


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