Chapter 1=venom soldier

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*no ones p.o.v.*
*4 years ago*

"No please, no more, I can't take anymore" the girl screams and try's to pull herself away from the 2 men that's dragging her to the experiment table.

"SOLDIER!!!" Crossbones calls out, the girl turns and sees the winter soldier, he looks down at her with no expression on his with cold eyes, sending a shiver down her spine.

"No please, no more experiments" she keeps yelling, the winter soldier grabs roughly and pins her on the table, and ties her up, leaving the restraints to tight for her liking.

"I'm afraid we can't do that (y/n)" she hears that voice that she loathe so much, she turns her head and see's Pierce.

"We're close, and once we're done, you'll be the most powerful soldier that ever lived" he says with a sinister smile.

"How do we know if it even works" She tell him sassily.

"Oh it will sweetheart, we know it will, and when it does, you'll be unstoppable and do a couple errands for us" Pierce says while walking around the table.

"Well Pierce when it does, the first person I'll kill is you, so you better watch yourself" she threatens, Pierce eyes flares at her, he nods his head to the doctor. He brings in a cart, and inside the glass case, there is a black symbiote, (y/n) starts to freak out.

"Inject her with serum first" crossbones orders, the doctors holds her head to side and injects the serum.

"AAHHHHHH STOP" she screams in pain as she feels it spreading. She starts to feel nauseous, dizzy, and lightheaded, she could hear the voices but it sounds like they're far away.

"Now let it go" Pierce orders, the doctor opens the glass cage and the symbiote slowly crawls towards the young girl, getting underneath her skin, the poor girl doesn't even feel it.

"Soldier take her back to her cell" Crossbones orders the winter soldier. The winter soldier unties the straps and pulls (y/n) over his shoulder.

"Starting tomorrow we'll start wiping her memory after every mission she accomplishes, I can't have her acting the way she does" Pierce says as the winter soldier leaves the room.

"Yes sir" Crossbones agrees.

"The winter soldier will be training her for now on" Pierce says, Crossbones looks at him confused.

"Sir she just came back from the Red Room facility, I'm pretty sure she's just as strong as the winter soldier" Crossbones says.

"Yes I know, but we'll need the most proficient weapon of Hydra, (y/n) doesn't have any family so I know for a fact that nothing will trigger her memories, and we'll need someone to take down the winter soldier if he goes into a riot" Pierce informs, crossbones nods in understanding and follows where the winter soldier walked out.

(I'm sorry that it's short, but I kinda wanted a little backstory for this character but I hope you guys like it, much ❤️)

The Venom Soldier (Sam Wilson/FalconXchubby/curvy reader)Where stories live. Discover now