Chapter 6=For infinity

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*no one's p

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*no one's p.o.v.*

Natasha and Steve walks through glass doors in a hurry after getting a call from Fury, they see agents walking around in a hurry, Nat sees Fury and Maria talking, she taps Steve's arm for him to follow her as they both walk towards Fury.

"What's going on?" Steve ask as he looks around, Fury stops talking to Maria and looks at his best agents.

"We got a problem" Fury says, Nat and Steve looks at each other weirdly, unexpectedly they start hearing guns fire, they duck down looking out at the window of the helicarrier, they see Hydra agents jumping out of their helicopter and start shooting, Nat looks out trying to find (y/n) but doesn't see her, she quickly runs out of the room to the hallway.

"NAT!!!" Steve yells as he runs after her.

"Stark we're going to need some help over her" Clint says to his intercom as he shoots arrows on the roof of the helicarrier.

Meanwhile with Venom, she shoots her machine gun at S.H.I.E.L.D agents, once her gun ran out of bullets, she hits a random agent and throws it the ground, another comes and tries to punch her, she quickly dodges, she grabs his wrist and twist it, hearing a crack, the agent screams in pain, she twirls around and does a round house kick, kicking him in his chest, he falls back hitting his head, knocking him out.

She continues on walking, looking for her target, she hears someone jump behind her, she slowly turns around and sees James Barnes, her target.

"(Y/n) you don't have to do this" James says trying to reason with her, she tilts her head looking at him.

"I know what they did to you" He starts but gets attacked by her, she start punching, James tries to dodge each one, she gets annoyed and throws a kick to the back of his knee, James falls on his knees, she throws a kick again but James catches it and throw her back, he quickly gets back up and fights back, he jumps as he throws a kick, Venom holds her arm out to dodge it, he grabs a knife out of nowhere and swings at her, she ducks down, as she gets back up, he uses his vibranium arm to elbow her, she's use her arm once again to block, she grabs hold of his wrist and punches him, she turns around back to back, grabs him the neck and throws him over her, James falls on his back, he groans in pain, she walks towards him, she grabs her gun and aims it to his head, James looks at pleading.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2022 ⏰

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